The Briefcase

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Lincoln yawned as he rose out of bed. He stretched as he walked over to his closet and chose the least wrinkled jeans and polo. Ronnie Anne was visiting from the city today along with Lori and Bobby. It would be the first time since the accident they had met in person, and he wanted to look his best.

He stepped out of his room and walked into the hallway heading for the stairs. He walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He stopped and looked at the backyard through the window, looking at the green leaves on the oak tree swaying in the wind. It was already warm, as spring had turned to summer a few weeks back and summer break was just around the corner.

He reached up into the kitchen cabinet looking for the box of Zombie Bran cereal. He pulled it out and poured some into a bowl. He filled it up with milk and sat down at the table where the twins were eating. Lana had a bowl filled with what suspiciously looked like Charles dog food and a grape juice box while Lola was cutting up some french toast. He took a seat on the opposite end of the table from them.

"Good morning," Lincoln said to them.

"Morning Linc!" Lana said before grabbing a handful of whatever was in the bowl and stuffing it in her mouth. Lola shivered at the sight.

"Lana! Don't speak with food in your mouth!"

"Wasn anytin i me mouf," Lana retorted, spraying bits of kibble onto the table cloth.

Lincoln moved his bowl a little bit more away from Lana. "What are you guys going to be doing today?"

"I'm going to be digging a hole in the backyard with Charles!" Lana proudly exclaimed. "I'm going to dig up a bunch of bugs and worms!"

"I'm going to visit Roxanne today to have a tea party, far, far away from any mud and dirt," Lola said, looking at Lana with a frown as she ate another handful of dog food.

Lincoln finished his cereal and walked back into the kitchen. He turned on the tap and began to rinse what remained of the milk out of the bowl. As he was placing the bowl and spoon into the dishwasher a reflection of the sunlight stung his eyes. He stood up to see where it was coming from.

The light was reflecting from off the hatch, which was hanging open. Lincoln saw Lisa climb out of the bunker with a black, rectangular object in one hand. Lincoln watched Lisa walk up towards the house and disappear from view as she started up the stairs.

The door handle turned and Lisa walked into the kitchen, not stopping to say good morning to Lincoln.

"Good morning Lisa," Lincoln said. He saw that the object she was carrying was an obsidian black briefcase, about a foot in length and about half her height.

"Good morning brother," she lisped, only slowing down slightly to talk.

"What's that?" Lincoln asked, pointing at the briefcase.

"It's for scientific development," Lisa said without looking at him, moving back at full speed and around the corner of the wall.

Lincoln shrugged. He figured he should stay out of whatever she was up to, lest it literally explode in his face. He decided he should instead prepare for Ronnie Annes visit. He walked upstairs to his room to think of how today was going to go. As he entered the room he had come up with a rough idea; he'd take her out to the park, get her a flippee from Flips Food & Fuel and then go to Gus' Games and Grub before she left for Great Lakes City again.

He suddenly thought of how to make that good day even better for Ronnie; She liked that pop music group, Twelve is Midnight, if memory serves. Luna should still have Dad's old walkman. He could have some of their songs downloaded onto it and give it to Ronnie Anne, with some help.

The backyardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora