The funeral

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 Lynn looked down at the coffin. Mahogany with gold tinted bronze lining. Handles sticking out of the sides to carry it to the grave. Inside of it Lincoln, dressed in the orange polo and jeans he had always worn in life. On the wall above a large picture of Lincoln with the same smile he always had.

All of it a hoax. Lincoln would be back along with Luna and Lori. Soon. After Lisa and Lucy fixed that machine. They would have to live out of sight perpetually but they would cross that bridge when it came to it. Ronnie Anne would not be revived. Better to make her an object of contempt unable to defend herself than to bring her back.


Lynn turned her head to the side to look at Lucy, wearing a black dress with accompanying veil. She was holding in her hand that black briefcase. It had been inseparable from her since the bunker and she carried it around everywhere.

"You know what to say?"

"I do."

Lynn turned fully around to look at those present for Lincoln's funeral service. In the front left pew closest to the lector was the rest of the family. Mom and Dad were barely keeping it together, the fact that they had to bury one of their own children bringing them to tears. Their siblings were also teary eyed, though their grief was alleviated in the hope the machine could be rebuilt. Sitting behind the pew was Bobby, who had come to pay Lincoln his respects. He had almost not been allowed entry due to the fact Ronnie was his sister, though more level headed input from Lisa had given him access.

Others in attendance included Clyde, Stella, Zach, Rusty and Liam. Other friends from school, acquaintances. Family friends were also there to offer their condolences and give support. Beyond through the door was a moderate downpour as if the sky wept for Lincoln's passing.

Lynn looked back at Lucy. "You sure they'll all believe this?"

"They have to. What else can they believe in?"

"I guess you're right. Thanks for the reassu-" she paused. "Do you hear that?"

They both stopped and listened. It was a low hum like the sound of a muted wave. Lynn looked down and noticed that the briefcase in Lucy's hand was shaking slightly. "Something wrong?"

"No. Why?"

"Your hands are shaking."

She looked down at the briefcase. "That's not me."

At the other side of the dimly lit chapel Haiku and Boris closed the door with a thump and the hushed talking began to stop. Lucy wished Lynn good luck in giving her eulogy before taking a seat with the rest of her family.

Lynn walked up the lector as all the eyes in the room turned on her. She took a deep breath and began her eulogy.

"Thank you all for coming. We are here to honor the memory of Lincoln Loud, and his death has come as a shock to all of us. Words can simply not do justice for all the good memories he has given his loved ones, nor the good he has done for this town."

She paused for a second before continuing. "I had the honor of being his big sister since the age of two. We grew up together at home like all siblings did; bickering and fighting, but always being there for each other. He had his immature and obnoxious moments. Who hasn't? But he had such a big heart. He always put us ahead of himself and doted on our younger siblings as our family grew. He was truly the best of us."

"He did not deserve to die so soon. So with the accolades out of the way I'm sure you all want to know what happened."

Bobby watched Lynn from his pew, his eyes narrowing. He could see what was coming next, how Lynn would blame all of it on Ronnie Anne.

"Lincoln came home on the last day of school. It should have been a day of joy and celebration, as Leni was moving up to college and another summer full of adventure, family and friends was ahead of him. Lincoln Loud was murdered!"

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