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'' I want to ask you a question..''
Zelda looked up to see a shadow infront of her.
'' Would you like to leave here? Leave your life
and have a adventure?''
Link asked in a deep vocie.

''Well, I can offer you that. But you need to come
with me.''
''W-what's your name?''
''Link. Link.''
''Link, Are we going now?''
Zelda got up and out of bed, Trying to see
Link's face.
''Get into something warm. It's cold out there.''

Zelda grabbed some clothes and thermals
and stuffed them into a bag.
Link watched the window for anyone outside.
''Ok im ready, Link.''
The two walked outside and onto the bridge.

'' Get on my back.''
''Get onto my back.
Im going to have to climb down.''
Zelda got on to Link's back, and Link
started climbing down the wall.

Zelda only notcied in the Moonlight how
handsome Link was.
His Blonde hair, His blue eyes..
''Im nearly at the bottom princess.''
''You don't have to call me princess,
''Ok then Zelda..''
Zelda giggled as she hopped of his back at the bottom
of the wall.

Soon they sneaked to the bottom of the
castle, at the Castle town.
''Woohoo! Im free!'' Zelda yelled.
''SHH! Someone will hear you!''
They got to Link's hourse and
rode to the nearest stable.

''Thank you Link.'' Zelda said as
they got to the stable and she got off
the hourse.
''For what?''
''For freeing me.''
Zelda her hylain hood on as she walked inside the

Link boarded His hourse and walked inside.
Zelda had made herself comforatable
in one of the beds.
''Do you want me to pay?''
''I forgot to leave without any rupees..
So.. Yes please!''

Link went up and payed for the beds.
''I didn't think You'd follow me.''
Link said to Zelda as she layed down in
her bed.
'' Of course I would! Im sick of being
a princess-''
''Don't be so loud!''

''Sorry! I'll talk to you about it tomorrow.
Goodnight link..''

In the MoonlightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora