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After a couple of days of exsporlation,
They had made it to Zora's domain.
''I've been here before Link!
Only once, when I was young.''

''Really? I guess we can get going then-''
''No please!! I want to stay here for tonight.''
Link stopped the housre outside
the domian.
Zelda watlzed in looking amazed by everything around

''We still haven't chosen the champions for each region
yet, So going to all of them will help me decide!''
Soon a female Zora came up to them and introduced

''I am Mipha. Welcome to the domain.''
''Thank you so much.'' Zelda said smiling.
''What might your name be?''
''uRMM.. uherr..Sol! My name is Sol.''
Zelda said awkwardly.
Link smirked behind her.

He had long forgotten the whole
kingdom was looking for her and that
she must disguse her idenity.
''What is your name?''
Mipha asked Link, Blushing slighty.

''Link. Nice to meet you.''
They shook hands,
As Mipha blushed harder.
''Right, Link! Let's go on a
hike a Plomyus mountian!''

''Sure, Sounds fun.
But have you even been on
a hike before.?''
Zelda rushed off to the bridge to
get to the start path of the moutain.

A while later..

Link had been climbing the moutain
for ages with Zelda, Who was struggling
a bit. ''Do want a hand?'' Link called out
from above.
''Im FINE!!''
''Suit yourself.''

After A while, Link got to the top
of the moutain. Waiting for Zelda.
It was starting to get dark.
''THE TOP!! YAY!''
Zelda screamed when she made it up

They both sat on the grass, and watched
the stars come on with utter silence inbeetween

She turned over to look at him.
''You mean alot to me. freeing me
of my duties and taking care of me
these last couple of days. Thank you.''

''It's ok..''
Link suddenly realised Zelda was
Looking at him right in the eye.
She suddenly leaned in with her eyes
He did too.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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