Chapter 8

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Dark and disgusting were the first words that came to mind. Well then, I suppose this is the alley for me! She was in distress, and whenever she felt scared, the sarcasm kicked in.

She hadn't gone so far into the maze of alleys and abandoned buildings, but the area was already so different from the town she had called home. Neat, paved roads had been swapped for cobblestone alleys, filled with trash. Any place with a roof was a considered a good living space. Surprisingly, this place looked empty. Mia had expected this place to be like a town of sorts, even if it was more grim. But this was a town where people didn't dare to step out of the shadows.

She reached an old warehouse, and peered inside. "Strike One."

There were only a few old things lying around, but the house seemed empty.

"Hello?" she called. "Strike Two."

There was no answer. If anyone lives here, they must not be home, Mia assumed. She stepped inside. "Strike Three."

"You're Out."

A gunshot rang out. Mia barely had time to acknowledge it. But it was over soon, and Mia realized that it missed, and hit the wall behind her.

"Damn," a voice called out. "I missed again." Mia turned toward the voice, and the darkness soon materialized into the shape of a young girl. She had skin so dark, Mia could barely make it out in the shadows. Probably how she was able to almost kill me, Mia thought bitterly.

"Y'know, girls like you shouldn't go around carrying guns," she said sweetly.

The girl pushed her curly black hair out of her eyes, and gave Mia a threatening stare. It was a warning. This girl may be young but she was not one to mess with. Nobody was around here.

"You ain't got no clue what you doin' here," the girl said. "You lucky you didn't run into my papa, or one o' the Council. They don't miss."

"Can you tell me what this council is?" Mia asked, trying to stay sweet.

"I ain't allowed to tell nobody," the girl responded, happy to have some power over Mia.

"Very well," MIa removed her mask. "I guess I'll have to make you tell me." She looked the girl straight in the eye. "Let's start with your name."

"I'm Rebel," the girl said. Mia let go of her power, and fear became evident in Rebel's eyes. "What did you do ta me?"

"Something I won't do again," Mia answered. "If you tell me what I need to know." Rebel nodded shakily, and Mia continued, knowing that she would get truthful answers. "Tell me about this council."

"They the most powerful people here in the Underground," Rebel said this proudly, as her father was one of the members. "The Underground is our name for this place. My papa and the rest of the Council make sure no one gets too out o' control. They give people jobs too."

"What kind of jobs?" But Mia didn't get her question answered, because a new voice pierced the darkness.

"Rebel, who are you talking to?"

"Papa!" The girl's voice rang out with surprise and fear. "I didn't mean to tell her, she made me."

"And who are you?" The source of the deep voice appeared, and he wasn't happy. His dark eyes shone at Mia with hatred.

"I am someone who can be useful to you," she responded. "I want a job."

"I suppose I can give you that." Rebel's father said, somewhat unhappily. "So I assume you're new to the Underground?"

"Yes. I would like a job." Mia said curtly.

"What's your asset?"

"My asset?"

"Yes," Rebel's father began to grow annoyed at Mia's lack of knowledge. "Every person who comes here has a reason. They all have an asset, something bad that they're good at. So what's yours, a thief?"

"Try murderer." Mia answered, gladly taking in the look of surprise on his face. But he soon brought his expression back to normal.

"Very well, I can find something for you. But I need your name."

She gave him a dark smile and said, "Call me Rose."

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