Chapter 10

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"Don't move."

The man turned his head towards the voice, only to be greeted by shadows. He knew better than to ignore it. Doing so would only end badly.

So he stayed put and waited, not speaking, not moving.

Deep in the shadows, Mia waited. She kept the man waiting a little longer than she needed to. Making him nervous, and giving her the upper hand. And it was kind of funny watching him wait in nervous anticipation.

The man stayed put, saying nothing. But his mind was still in motion. If this person was making him wait instead of immediately jumping out at him, they must be smart. Now he was stuck in this alley, and whoever told him to stop had the advantage by knowing where he was. He nervously rubbed his hands together. This wouldn't end well for him.

Finally, Mia stepped out into the light, showing herself and making the man easier for her to see. She could see that he had dark brown hair, just like the Council told her, but his back was turned. She couldn't see the most important part. His eyes.

"Turn around." The man, who knew not to disobey this person, listened. He turned and came face to face with a girl, probably younger than he was. But he knew that here in the Underground, age didn't matter, especially when it came to being dangerous.

The man studied Mia, and she took the opportunity to lock eyes with him. She always made sure that she was killing the right people, and that they deserved to die.

"Are you known as Rush?" The man heard her question, and knew he shouldn't lie to this girl, although he had no idea why.

"Yeah that's me."

"So then you're the one who attempted to kill multiple members of the Council and their families?"

Why should he tell her this information? "Yeah I tried to kill them."

"Even though you knew that you would be punished." The girl's voice was stone cold.

"Hey, the Council can't go around telling people what to do! They don't make up the system of the Underground!"The man yelled, outraged.

"You're right," The man was surprised at the girl's agreement. But then she continued, "I'm not going to you because you disobeyed the Council's laws. I'm killing you because someone's paying me, and that person happens not to like you because you tried to kill them." She placed her finger on his heart. Only now did he notice the gloves. Then she smiled at him, sweet, yet dark. "Don't worry, this won't hurt one bit."


Mia arrived back at the warehouse, after finishing "work", and got started on her new task. Teaching Rebel. Unfortunately, the energetic girl lived up to her name.

"Why do I gotta learn this stuff?" Rebel complained for what seemed like the millionth time. They were seated at the warehouse's only table, and Mia was trying to teach the girl how to write.

"First of all, it's why do I have to learn this stuff, and it's important for you to know," Mia responded. "Now, do you remember how to write an 'r'?"

They had a couple of pencils, and Rebel used one to draw something that slightly resembled an 'r'.

"That's a good start," Mia told her.

"Yes, it's great, but if you don't mind, I would like to have dinner tonight." Another female voice interrupted.

"Oh! Yeah, sure Scarlett." Mia started clearing off the table and Hunter and Scarlet sat down. The woman's fiery red hair matched her personality, and her blue eyes were like piercing ice. Mia tried to avoid the rest of the warehouse members, aside from Rebel, whenever possible. But at dinner they usually sat together.

"So, Scarlett..." She started, in an attempt to make conversation. When Scarlett didn't answer, she asked the first thing that came to her mind. "So everyone else I've met has names that aren't actually really names, but you call yourself Scarlett. Is there a reason?" She regretted saying it as soon as the words were out of her mouth. It was such a pointless thing to say, and she decided she would have preferred normal silence to an awkward one, but Scarlett answered.

"Scarlet is short for the Scarlett Fox, just like you call yourself Rose," The woman purred.

Then Hunter spoke up. "Speaking of animals, we're all out of meat." The burly man rarely spoke to Mia at all, but when he did, it was mostly about food. He might look scary, covered with tattoos, but he wasn't that bright.

"Yes, one of us should probably go into town tomorrow," Scarlett answered. "I could also use a few things."

"I'll go," Mia said. She needed to pick up some more roses, and it was about time she left the Underground for a bit.

"Perfect," Scarlett answered, with a devilish gleam in her eye.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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