Chapter 3 - Home

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We arrived home, a garage door in front of us. The path to the door was solid concrete and the house had dark red brick lined against it. I stepped on the welcome mat. It was muddy, twisted up in awkward places. Wonder why she doesn't just buy a new mat... I thought. "Well, this is it." She locked the door to the small, green mustang she owned.
I looked back at the door, reaching for the knob to turn it but it didn't move "Wait up," Olivia was digging through her purse as she was walking up the path and pulled out a small bronze key. She blew past me and unlocked the door.
"There we are," she opened the door and held it for me "Home sweet home."
I strolled in, my hands lingering among the wall as I stepped past a table and into the living room.
There was a dark leather couch with a fireplace that looks like it has only been touched once since it was put in, and a wooden end table that separates the couch from the fireplace.
I look to the right of the living room and there are the stairs and just past it is the kitchen.
I strolled over to the kitchen, stepping on the tile flooring. There were pots hanging from the wall, and a bunch of cabinets that opened to various kitchenwares.
Olivia walked in behind me, setting her purse down on the table in the dining area. She walked by me and up the stairs and I followed.
There were three doors, Olivia stopped in front of one and opened it. I traveled up the last step on the staircase and then stepped to her side. The room had large windows, and a large bed sitting in front of them.
I stepped in the room, the wood beneath my feet creaking. "This will be your room." Olivia spoke softly, a hint of a smile in her voice.
I sat on the bed and looked at the wall, it was blank except for one photo frame.
I raised my hand to it, pointing my index finger towards it. "Who is that?" Words escaped my lips, leaving my throat dry.
Olivia whipped her head towards the frame, her arms falling limp on either side of her. She bowed her head down a little, she looked quite upset. Raising her head back up to look at me she walks over to the frame, picking it off the wall. "My sister."
That was the only thing she said before she walked out of my room. My hands curled into fists on my lap. Her words made me sad, I don't understand why. Why hadn't she said anything else? Was this her sister's room?
I laid my hands flat and palm down on either side of me. What happened to her sister?
I looked over to the doorway, noticing a small standing shelf next to it. It had a couple books and a wilted plant on top.
I stood from the bed and creeped towards the shelf. I picked up the plant, taking a good look at it then setting it on the bed. I grab the first book and across it said 'Jayden'. I traced my hand over the extended letters. "Jayden.." my voice croaked. I placed the book next to the dark plant, reaching for the next book. I raised it to the light, seeing the words of 'Stephen King' traced along the silhouette of a man gave me a chill. I set the book back on the shelf, placing the other book and plant back in order. I stepped into the doorway, taking one last look at my room. My hand landed on the doorknob as I shut the door behind me and left the room.
The doorway across from mine was a confined bathroom. It had a tiny shower with a stained sink and a toilet in the corner.
My face turned down into disgust for a second before realizing its better than living in that hostile hospital.
I turned my body away, facing the stairs and I waltzed down. "Emma?" Olivia's voice rang up the stairs. I flinched, almost falling down the stairs holding onto the railing. I steadied myself back up and replied. "Yes?" My voice was uneasy as I traveled down the rest of the stairs.
"Could you help with dinner?" She turned towards me with a serious look on her face. My face went blank, she wanted me to help with a meal?
"Uh, sure." I was confused, I don't recall much of ever helping with meals... but I don't remember much of anything.

She pulled out a large pot and placed it on a counter thing, something flicked and there was a bright spark. I stared at it for a while before asking, "What is that thing?" Olivia looked at me then followed my gaze.
"Its a stove! This one is electric, so the fire is right at the top." Olivia lifted the pan up so I could see the flame. I stood and stared before realizing she was talking to me.
"Could you grab some cheese and ham out of the fridge for me?" Her voice drifted through one ear and out the other, my legs obediently walked to the fridge but I had already forgotten what she had asked for.
I turned on my heels and saw she was already looking at me. "Cheese and ham." She softly said as a small smile spread across her face. I nodded then turned back to the fridge.
I pulled on a drawer, it felt like it was holding my hand with freezing fingers. I shivered then grabbed the tub of ham and slices of cheese quickly, pushing the drawer shut.
I wiped my hand on my shirt, tugging away at the feeling. I stood next to Olivia and placed the items on the counter next to the stove. Olivia put bread into the pan, letting it sit for a second then unwrapping the cheese in front of me so I could see. She threw the plastic into a large container that sat below the counter and placed the cheese on the crispy bread.
The smell flooded the kitchen, soothing sounds of crackling filled the silence.
Moments later we sat at a table, we both have plates with steamy food sitting in front of us. She starts to eat, her hands tearing the breaded cheese and ham apart. I did the same, following what she was doing. The cheese and ham melted in my mouth, the bread adding a little crunch to the texture. I took another and another bite, chewing slowly, savoring every bite.
I reached down to the plate again and it was all gone, I grabbed the napkin and wiped my face.
"Was it good?" The voice broke through the void of silence.
I nodded because I was still chewing a piece in my mouth, I looked up at her plate and she had barely ate any of hers. "You ate it very quickly." Olivia's voice rang again. I was surprised, it hadn't felt quick. It had felt like hours, although who knows when the last time I had a decent meal since the hospital stay.
Olivia stood, taking her plate and eating quickly and then grabbing mine. She walked over to the sink, washing the dishes.
I got up from my seat, watching her wash the dishes. After a while, she placed the plates onto a towel. "One moment, ill get you some clothes." I followed her up to her room, waiting in her doorway.
She came back to the doorway with clothes bundled against her chest. "Here." She held out the clothes and I wrapped my arms around them and held them to my chest.
"Get changed and Ill come in and say goodnight." She smiled softly, heading back down the stairs.
I headed to my room, closing the door behind me. I dropped the clothes on top of a dresser I hadn't noticed was there, opposite wall of the small shelf. I picked out a T-shirt and shorts, taking off the scrubs I had on and pulling the clothes on. I placed my tennis shoes by the door and opened it, hearing strange voices downstairs.
I cautiously creeped down the stairs, unsure if I  should investigate the strange noises. I saw a bright flash of light when I got to the bottom of the stairs and I tripped. The voices stopped and Olivia rushed to my side.
"Oh my goodness, are you alright Emma??"
I reached out to the floor, pushing off it and getting back up. "Yeah." I winced at the pain on my knee. She embraced me, pulling back with a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, the bright colors coming out of a square. Olivia watched as I looked at the strange object and turned towards it.
"It's a Tv." Her voice brung me back out of my zone, I focused my vision on her, my eyebrows narrowing, confused. She smiled and replied "Ill explain more tomorrow," her hand fell off my shoulder and went back to her side. "Its late, you should head to bed. You've had a long day." She beamed and I smiled back, knowing that meant I should go back upstairs.
Creaking up the stairs, she followed me. I stepped into my bedroom, pulling the covers up on the bed. I laid down and she covered the blanket over me, brushing her hand slightly on my forehead. "Goodnight Emma." She whispered then walked out, shutting the door quietly behind her.

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