5. Alvaro

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          The smell of Poppy's soft skin is setting me on edge

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          The smell of Poppy's soft skin is setting me on edge. Every time she makes even the slightest of movements I can feel myself getting hard. If it was easy, I'd take her tonight and suppress my inner need for pleasure, but, as it is, her walls are made of fucking steel.

She's already five cocktails down and I've made no headway into her past—other than she has a shithead father like me. She's a tough one to crack and I've realised it's going to take some time to get through to this one. But I know she's worth it. I know she's one hundred percent perfect and that she could potentially be my most valuable conquest. I just need to make sure I've covered my back here.

I look over to Diego with a scowl, watching as his lips pepper empty kisses into the neck of Poppy's pretentious friend. She's already half gone and has lost whatever smidgen of self respect she had in the first place. Still, Diego will get fuck all for her. She's cheap and tacky and will serve as a short term bit of fun at best. He'll just fuck her and be done with her. Then he'll move onto the next one.

Poppy is different though. I've not come across a Poppy before, and my head is wired into this new mission.

I've tried everything all night. Everything that usually works a treat to every other desperate whore on this island just isn't working on Poppy. She's strong headed and has some goddamn fucking iron-pillared guards up. She has more to her than she's letting on, and everything inside of me is now heightened, because I want this girl more than I've ever wanted any girl.

I twist my neck and eye up Mario—Luna's best bartender. I give him the nod and he nods back, getting started into making yet another cocktail. Poppy has to open up to me one way or another, because fuck if I'm resorting to my old methods of getting this shit done.

I grab the freshly made cocktail from Mario and start to Poppy, who's sat back on a lounger and is taking in the sublime views of the moonlight-painted sea. I sit gently beside her, handing her the cocktail and smiling softly when she takes it without hesitation. If I didn't know better, I'd say the alcohol is slowly working it's way into her system.

"Thanks," Poppy says, her delicate words sailing through the night breeze. "I think I should stop after this one." She hooks her lips over the straw and laughs.

I'm right. "I don't think so baby," I say, almost without thinking. "There's no limit on drinking here and certainly no limit on partying." I shoot Poppy a wink, my thumb darting to the the bottom of her lip to catch an escaped droplet of alcohol. I almost regret my decision, but, to my surprise, Poppy actually welcomes my gesture.

Thank fuck.

"What do they put in these cocktails anyway?" Poppy asks, her words bouncy and bubbly and a vast contrast to the shielded ones she used when she and Zara first entered the club. "It tastes like I'm sipping on heaven, laced with a little ecstasy."

I don't miss the way her cute little lips turn up at the edges as she lets out a sweet giggle. Quite truthfully, it's taking everything I have in me not to grab her face in between my hands and taste her. Usually, this doesn't happen to me. I'm usually down for a quick fuck but I've never been so infatuated with a girl in such a short space of time, even if she doesn't know of my true intentions.

      "I'd like to dance with you," I say matter of factly, giving Poppy what I know is my killer smile. "By the beach." I tilt my head in the direction of Luna's dance floor; a huge space on the beach front glowing in every luminous colour you could think of. "Please?"

Poppy eyes me with those dark eyes of hers, and for a second I can't tell what she's thinking. Fuck, why is this girl so hard to read? But then, quite suddenly, she places her cocktail to the side and smiles, welcoming my hand when I hold it out to her.

I kiss her fingers and lead her to the dance floor, catching the way Poppy eyes Zara in amusement as Diego's experienced lips suck at the skin behind Zara's ear. I could be wrong, but for just a brief moment it seems Poppy is almost jealous.

Oh baby. If that's what you want, I can give it to you and more. And much better.

Poppy's hand is warm and clammy in mine, and there's a slight tremble in her arm, but I take it as a good sign. Only the special girls get nervous, but Poppy is extra special. A diamond amongst stones.

The music thumps through the night air. The dance floor is filled with intoxicated masses, but I only focus on Poppy. She stands opposite me in that elegant black dress of hers that doesn't reveal nearly enough. Though, I like that about her; she has enough self-respect to make up for every other girl here tonight. She grabs my hands tighter at the same time I pull her closer to me, my bare chest just about touching hers.

Fuck, she feels heavenly. It takes everything inside of me to not taste this sweet girl, ripping her clothes off in front of every godforsaken idiot on this island. It takes everything because she's a game changer. She is my prized possession and she doesn't even fucking know it yet.

     I move my body in time with the music, my large hands pressing against the lower of  Poppy's back. Slowly, her smaller hands slide over my muscular shoulders, and I catch that nervous smile break from her lips.

      "Let go baby," I tell her, groaning against her ear as my muscles tighten from under her touch. "Just let go."

     As if my words are magic—which, to be honest, they are—Poppy's body loosens, flowing and bouncing against every beat of music. Her breathing harshens and she holds me tighter, finally giving herself up to me. I grip her small body, smiling as my lips tenderly brush against her ear. "That's it baby girl. Let go."

     Poppy looks directly at me, silently thanking me for the confidence boost. Hell, like she even needs it. She outshines every other girl here tenfold. Nevertheless, it's another thing that makes her fucking incredible; the fact that she doesn't realise how fucking incredible she is.

     We dance together for a while, getting totally lost in each other's embrace. Getting lost in the wild music and the strobe lighting. We feel high and loose and free. We feel incredible.

     Suddenly, Poppy looks to me, her eyes hungry and wild. And boy, am I at her mercy.

     For now, it feels like we're the only two people in the world.

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