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Peter Quill speaks to the Gamora variant in the prison cell with him, and they both agree that they can't help but feel that the other feels familiar. They then both escape thanks to the havoc caused by Thanos' ship crashing.

The Midnight Suns (+ friends) infiltrate The Beyonder's fortress but are quickly captured by the Thor Corps after discovering that the ones they came to free have already escaped.

Deadpool and Wolverine escape the fortress and the surrounding city in a myriad of goofy vehicles (such as the Spider-Mobile and the Thanoscopter) as they flee from the Thor Corps.

Peter Parker (616), after getting the Infinity Stones stolen by masked assailants, follows them to a hideout only to discover that they have the same powers as him. He meets Peter #2 (Tobey Maguire), Peter #3 (Andrew Garfield), Miles Morales (Into the Spider-Verse), and Spider-Gwen (Emma Stone). Peter #3 and Spider-Gwen are a couple.

The Beyonder enters a large sanctum on a catwalk with dead withered husks and bones seen below. Walking up to a tank, he sees Ravonna Renslayer being kept barely alive within it thanks to the energy being taken from all of her multiversal variants, who are being slowly drained of life by this process.

Sam Wilson's best friend, Alexi Shostakov, is killed at the hands of a member of the Thor Corps after saving Kamala from being imprisoned by The Beyonder's allies for her Mutant status. This inspires Sam to take up Alexi's shield and paint it red, white, and blue- the three favorite colors of his three favorite women: Carol, Love, and Kamala.

We see Shuri, the leader of the freedom fighters against the tyranny of The Beyonder, along with Rhodey, Nick Fury, Wong, Clint Barton, Bucky, and Rocket, as she plans their next attack on the fortress; where the spaceship crashed, in order to do the most damage. At the end of the scene, Sam, Carol, Kamala, and Love all join the freedom fighters.

We see Susan Storm, now married to The Beyonder to subconsciously emasculate Reed Richards, as she goes through a quick montage of mundane tasks of every hour of every day before she enters a back room and sees Reed Richard's face unnaturally, horribly, and painfully stretched across the floor, with his limbs stretching out of the room and seemingly across Battleworld. The two have small talk about their day-to-day lives on Battleworld.

Our five Spider-Friends go out recruiting more and more Spider-People until it's almost impossible to keep the new Spider-Society a secret from The Beyonder and his allies. One of the new members is Gwen [from Into The Spider-Verse.]

Sam Wilson and Shuri reach out to others in the freedom fighters/resistance, and rebrand themselves "The Avengers" in order to Avenge everything The Beyonder has done to them as a society. They recruit more people than they know what to do with, including but not limited to Netflix's Defenders, every variant Punisher, Kate Bishop (who instantly befriends Clint, despite not knowing him), and Groot (who does the same with Rocket).

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