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Both the bases of the Spider-Society and The Avengers are bombed by Thor Corps Skull variants who managed to blend in. Sam gets knocked unconscious in one of the bombings. Spider-Gwen [Emma Stone] is killed due to an error on Peter #3 [Andrew Garfield]'s part.

Our heroes get over their losses, and use their anger, sadness, and every emotion in-between to use against The Beyonder.

Doctor Strange with the help of the Midnight Suns (+ friends) begin to work on a large-scale spell while in their cell.

The Avengers begin to take their positions at the front of The Beyonder's fortress. Meanwhile, the Spider-Society trek their way around the back of Battleworld to the back side of the fortress. Along the way, Peter (616) happens to find some black ooze that latches onto him and forms the Symbiote Suit around his body.

The Spider-Society arrives at the back of the fortress at the same time The Avengers begin their attack on the front of the fortress, so that none of the Thor Corps are there to stop the Spider-Society.

Entering the fortress, the Spiders find themselves in The Beyonder's treasure room. They see miraculous things such as Eternity chained to the floor, Zeus' Thunderbolt, The Ebony Blade, The Cosmic Cube, The Ultimate Nullifier projecting Galactus onto a wall as if he were a 2D image, the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Bloodstone, a fully intact Ironheart suit on display that holds Riri Williams prisoner inside of it, The Staff of One, Mandarin's Rings [comic-accurate], The Darkhold [both MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. versions], and the Eye of Agamotto.

Deadpool and Wolverine sneak back into the fortress, and find the cell that holds Doctor Strange.  They proceed to help him with his spell.

While looking for the Infinity Gauntlet, the Spiders are met with Shang-Chi's reunited family, who are loyal to The Beyonder due to a deal Shang-Chi made with him to resurrect his deceased family members. Meanwhile, The Avengers continue their losing battle at the front of the fortress as Doctor Strange continues his risky spell from a dungeon.

Climax: In a seemingly impossible feat, Peter Parker (616) snatches the Infinity Gauntlet, places the Infinity Stones in it, and snaps his fingers. Simultaneously, Doctor Strange finishes his spell in the dungeon. The Infinity Stones shatter to pieces. Suddenly, we see everyone throughout Battleworld remember their past lives, which includes the Thor Corps, who all put down their hammers, and peace is seen throughout the planet.

Resolution:  Ben Grimm's wall also tumbles down, revealing a normal-sized The Thing beneath the rubble. Johnny Storm is freed of his chains in the sun, and he flies out as The Human Torch, revealing that he never needed to power the sun in the first place. Finally, Reed Richards' arms and legs retract and he returns to his normal human form in his domain, realizing that he never needed to hold Battleworld together for The Beyonder. The Invisible Woman runs to find Mr. Fantastic and the two embrace.


Questions, comments, criticisms, and discussions are greatly appreciated as I write the script of this, as well as the outline for Part II!  New ideas are good, too.  Credit will be given, of course!

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