As the day go back

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One day Jackie went outside on this beautiful Saturday morning and She saw this boy and he was fine as hell. She want to talk to him but she don't know how to approach him . But she had seen her brother chase and Aaron play baseball with him one day outside. So she went the house to come outside they went over there and ask him to come play baseball. But he said how about we play football and they said ok only the brother chase don't went to play so me and chase sit on the porch. We watch them play and we were our phone. The boy that Jackie thought was so cute she ask for a piece because he give her brother a piece. But he told Jackie no not until he get her kik or number and she said no. But he ended up taking her phone and put his kik in and sent himself and message. Let not forget he smack Jackie one Butt and walk away and Jackie could believe it she was surprised. So after the she went told her other friend and come over there where Jackie was

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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