Meet Marty Rossian the new kid

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(Inside Animation Town Preschool.)

Mrs Godfrey: (Smiles as she looks at the class.) "Good morning boys and girls now before we all get started with class. "I have somebody that I would like for you all to meet. (Looks at Marty Rossian who was standing right next to her.) "Boys and girls I would like for all of you to meet your brand new classmate. "His name is Marty Rossian and he just moved here to Animation Town. "So let's please give him a nice welcome to our preschool.

Mrs Godfrey: (Smiles at Marty.) "Marty you can sit anywhere you like dear.

Marty Rossian: (Smiles as he nods his head at Mrs Godfrey. And then begins to walk around the preschool classroom as he wonders witch desk he wants to sit at.)

(With Phineas Mogg, Randy, Bubble Bass, Gina, Plankton, Karen and Pendulum Depot.)

Phineas Mogg: (Looks as he watches Marty walk around the preschool classroom. And he softly whispers to his best friends.) "Hey guys check out the new kid. "He looks like a vampire. (Begins to laugh very softly.)

Vexus: (Looks at her best friends and then smirks as she speaks very softly.) "Hm if the new kid is a vampire. "Shouldn't he be transforming into a bat by now. "And flying around the preschool classroom.

Plankton: (Softly laughs as he looks at Vexus while speaking softly.) "Hey good one Vexus.

Vexus: (Smiles at Plankton while speaking very softly.) "Thanks Plankton.

Randy: (Looks at his best friends as he speaks very softly.) "Yeah he does look like a vampire dude. "Aren't vampires supposed to sleep during the day.

Bubble Bass: (Speaks very softly as he looks at his best friends.) "Well I hope that Marty doesn't sit right next to us. "As I read plenty of comic books to know that vampires can drink people's blood. "And the only way to ward off a vampire is to have garlic. "As vampires don't like garlic. (Looks at everybody.) "Does anybody have any garlic on them?

Pendulum Depot: (Looks at Bubble Bass and softly speaks.) "I do. "I have two slices of garlic pizza along with garlic covered bread sticks for lunch. (Looks at Marty.) "And if that nerd of a vampire even thinks about sitting right next to us. "I'll show him my garlic pizza and garlic bread sticks. "To shoo that vampire away.

Gina: (Rolls both of her eyes at Marty as she softly whispers.) "Aren't vampires supposed to sleep inside coffins during the day.

Randy: (Looks at Gina while speaking very softly.) "That's exactly what I just said Gina. "But only totally different with out the coffin part.

Marty Rossian: (Continues to walk around the classroom.)

Nora Wakeman: (Smiles as she looks at Marty.) "You can sit right next to me and Nate Marty. (Gently pulls out a empty available chair that was right in the middle of there desk.)

Little Acorn: (Smiles at Marty as he gently motions one of his hands.) "Yeah you can sit right next to Nora, Me and Nate Marty. "Come join us as there's a empty seat available.

Marty Rossian: (Smiles as he walks over towards Nora and Nate. And sits right next to the three of them.)

(With Phineas Mogg, Randy, Bubble Bass, Gina, Pendulum Depot, Plankton and Karen.)

Karen: (Gags as she saw Marty sit right next to Nora and Nate. Speaks softly.) "Ew! "Marty just sat with both four eyes Nora that annoying robot doll and nerdy Nate.

Phineas Mogg: (Smirks as he looks at Marty. And speaks softly.) "Well looks like Marty can turn four eyes Nora into a four eyes vampire. "Along with her very annoying robot doll. "And nerdy Nate into a nerdy vampire. "And then we can have four geeky vampires in our preschool classroom.

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