Part 2

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At first when me and Noel (my ex) had broken up I did not really care. At the time I thought he was in love  with me that much ,that he would never get over me. Turns out two weeks later he didn't even notice I did not like him anymore. Now I just stare into black space day dreaming about fake scenarios that I wish would happen in real life.

Last year When I told my friends I was not over him and I still liked him they did jot really support me because they knew that noel had no interest in me .

This year even they agree that he might like me back.   This year the staring had begone he started talking to me a-lot and he is very protective of me.

An example of him being protective of me is when we were in a history class about 1 month ago. I had seen a boy in my class evio sad and I came to comfort him but as I sat close to him, he slapped me across the face. As soon as he did that noel went beast mode on him. He yelled at him saying that you cant hit a girl and came to check up on me.

The thing is he was not the only one who did!
See there is this new boy that came to this school this year. His name is Skender and he is very nice to everyone. He is a dark brunette version of noel.  The only thing is that noel is skinny, has a jawline and a six pack and skender is kind of fat he does not have a very sharp jawline. At first noel shipped me with him but then he shipped him with another girl. He does talk to me a-lot so I don't know what to think about him. I will admit something , when school started I might have found him cute, but not anymore.

The thing is that Skender is nice to me and he actually might be good for me but obviously every girl in every movie or book has to choose the one that is bad for her!

I just want noel to care about me the way he did for his gf\ex. I cant help the way I feel ! It's been 3 years and nothing has changed. Each year this relationship was one sided. I liked him he did not. This year it night be different.

Maybe If he knew what his actions or words meant to me he would want to stay.

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