Chapter 1: The Gate Crasher

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Author's note: Hello and welcome to another new fan fiction of mine. Decided to do my own full story surrounding the movie Sing and decided to throw in some characters letting the story play out in my mind. I don't own any characters from the movie Sing, Ultimate Spider-Man or Young Justice. Again I just made this story from off the top of my head. Hope you guys like it.


The audience of the theatre applauded as a new song had come to an end. The two pigs Gunter and Rosita taking a bow before going off stage after they just finished performing the song 'Shake It Off' by Taylor Swift. Buster Moon then went onto the stage and the audience gave another round of applause liking how everyone was celebrating the New Moon Theatre being rebuilt from the rubble and now stood tall and proud like a phoenix that had risen from the ashes. The animals who had all performed at a big show with the exception of one all singing the songs that the crowds liked. Johnny smiled knowing that he was up next to perform but he still wished that his dad was in the audience to see him play. Remembering how on the night of his performance his dad had broken out of prison and ran to him to say that he was proud of him. The memory making him smile even though a part of him would have loved for him to be in the audience and not in a cell for his crimes. Wishing that his dad hadn't gone to crime after his mum passed away. The gorilla took out his piano and his friends all wished him good luck with the koala saying that Johnny was going to blow the crowd away after he introduced him. He started to play the song 'I'm Still Standing' by Elton John and the crowd loved how things were going. Some having only seen his performance the first time on TV and now he was playing right in front of them. Yet they all knew that one thing that would never happen would be anyone seeing a human showing up. But soon all of that was about to change. 

Johnny got onto the second verse of the song and the audience clapped along when a slight wind started to show up from surprisingly the middle of the stage. The wind felt cold but Johnny tried to ignore it and continued playing. Yet Buster also noticed it and wondered if a fan backstage had somehow been switched on by accident by Ms Crawly. The lights then started to flicker making things go even more bizarre as the theatre was now brand new and shouldn't be having these sorts of problems like how it did when it was old and in disrepair. Some in the audience slowed their clapping to the beat while others stopped clapping all together as the flickering lights and wind got worse. Before a portal opened up making Johnny stop his performance and everyone gasp in shock when they saw something fall out of the portal and crash onto the floor of the stage before the portal disappeared about as quickly as it had shown up to begin with. Everyone in attendance wondered if this was somehow part of the show as it hadn't happened before in the previous performance. Remembering the place didn't really have a roof last time and a few other things. The gorilla slowly went over to the figure and saw pale skin and brown hair as it looked to be either asleep or unconscious. Yet before he could see if the gate crasher was okay. It's eyes snapped open and it quickly went onto all fours looking at everyone there. It's eyes showing anger and it opened its mouth letting out a loud screech like wale making everyone cover their ears and start to panic before it closed its mouth and quickly rushed out the room. 

Some of the audience screamed in panic as the thing went by but Buster tried to get people to calm down and said that everything was okay. "What was that?" Johnny asked. Looking worried. Buster said that he didn't know but Mina said that it looked like a human only for others to ask how it was possible. Buster asked if Johnny could continue his performance where he last was or start from the beginning again. But the gorilla was unsure as he had heard about humans. Yet never saw how the species was. Wondering if he should be scared over this feral human being on the loose around the city. Not knowing what could happen to himself or anyone else with it running around. The thoughts making him get distracted and not able to focus on performing. Johnny apologised saying that he couldn't continue and the others said that they didn't feel like doing so either. The koala letting out a glum sigh but said that he understood and asked that everyone be careful going back to their homes. Johnny then glanced down at the wooden floor and noticed something on there that he hadn't seen there before. Bending down and seeing that it was an old charm of a teddy bear and he carefully picked it up before Ash asked what it was that he'd found. "I think it came from her" Johnny replied. Putting it in his jacket pocket. Rosita and the others looking like they were about to ask something but Rosita just said goodbye to him and asked him to be careful. The gorilla nodding in understanding before he left along with everyone else in the theatre. Buster having apologised to the audience and said that the show would have to go on another time. Saying they could have refunds if they wanted to. 

Johnny got into his car and drove it back home to the garage. Thinking he might be safe there but he decided to try and lock the doors just to be on the safe side. Guessing the events would be on the news for sure that night if not already. Thinking that driving back might be safer then just walking. He put the car into the garage and quickly shut the metal shutters. Locking it up with a key before he heard a familiar chuckle and turned around to see it was his dad. "Hello Johnny" his dad said and he quickly hugged him yet asked if he had broken out of prison again. He said that he hadn't and that him and the rest of his crew were now being let out of jail and were being given community service until that could try to get hard working honest jobs. Marcus asked why his son was back already as he thought he was supposed to still be at the theatre. Yet Johnny said that it just ended abruptly before asking what humans were like. "Humans were trouble Johnny. Long ago. But they aren't gonna hurt you now because they're gone" Marcus told his son. Johnny then replied that he wasn't so sure before he turned on the news and the dog reporter talked about how things had happened in the New Moon Theatre earlier. Marcus having his face go from looking surprised to concerned before he said that everything would be okay as he would lock all the doors and make sure it didn't get to either of them. The older gorilla saying he would protect his kid and the two hugged again. Preparing for things just in case. 

Night fell on the uneasy city and Johnny said that he was going to bed. Marcus saying that it was okay and that he would double check things just in case before he kept watch for a while before going to bed himself. The hot summer weather outside not making things more pleasant and one of the windows was kept open to let cool fresh air in. Not liking it as the electric fans had stopped working a while ago. But the two didn't have a lot of options. The young ape got ready for bed and put the charm onto his bedside table. Thinking it looked nice and wondered if what his dad said about humans was true. He finished getting ready to go to sleep and turned off his bedroom light. Going into a semi uneasy sleep over what had happened that day. Seeing the light downstairs soon going out as he tried to sleep and he soon started to dream more easily. Hours later. Both gorillas had fallen asleep yet Marcus had fallen asleep downstairs in the garage on a chair close to the TV. His snoring and the TV being on a random late night commercial being the only sounds from downstairs being joined by Johnny's own snoring upstairs. Yet the noise was attracting somethings attention and soon two hands grabbed onto the open window and the hands owner crawled inside. Neither of them knowing it was here just yet. The sound of slight teeth chattering and something being on all fours going around started to make Marcus stir. Johnny still being oblivious before he heard his dad yelp followed by the sounds of a hiss afterwards and went downstairs to see what it was. "Dad" Johnny asked. But his dad told him to stay back as he didn't want his son to get hurt. "I don't know how you were able to find here. But your not welcome" Marcus angrily said. The human just growling in response before it went for the older gorilla and a fight soon started. 

Johnny felt like he wanted to help but didn't know what to do. Seeing the human was wearing what looked like a charm bracelet on it's right wrist and soon put the pieces of the puzzle together. Guessing it might have seen that the charm from it was gone and wanted it back. He quickly got the teddy bear charm and soon got it's attention. But Marcus told his son to stay back. "No dad. I want to try this...Is this what you want?" Johnny asked. Not knowing if the human could understand him. It looked like a girl who was the same age as him. But he didn't know if humans were supposed to be acting completely feral. The human girl hissed and then went to him. Quickly lunging for what she wanted back but still seemed like she could try to claw his face off. Johnny then rushed out of the way and bumped into the piano he got for playing music at home if he wanted to and dropped the charm. The piano keys making the human jump before she got her charm back and started to show a mixture of confusion along with her anger. "What are you doing Johnny?" Marcus asked. Still holding a bat to try and protect them both. Johnny staying quiet until he said that he wanted to try something. Sitting down at the piano and started to play the last verse and ending chorus to the song 'Eenie Meenie' by Sean Kingston and Justin Bieber. The song not making the human attack or even growl at him. But just sit and listen to the music until she closed her eyes and started to smile. Her toes starting to tap to the beat before she then got up and started to dance before the song ended and his dad was impressed. The human girl now smiling before her eyes closed again and something about her seemed to change. Both Johnny and his dad not knowing what was going to happen next. 

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