Chapter 3: The Reason

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It was a new day in the city and everyone was trying to get on with their everyday lives. Yet on one street. The New Moon Theatre remained closed. Both Buster Moon and the owner of the theatre Nana Noodleman not knowing when the theatre could open again and have people sing and perform in front of an audience with humans just dropping to the ground seemingly in places at random. That could happen whenever without much warning if any at all. Both Teo and Flash were staying in the garage that Johnny and his dad lived in. Flash sharing a room with Marcus while Teo stayed sharing a room with Johnny. The two apes having to buy a second blow up mattress and sleeping bag for Flash to sleep as the couch downstairs wasn't so comfortable. But they didn't know if other humans would be showing up. And where the other ones would be able to go. "Thanks for letting us stay here Sir" Flash said. Wearing a long sleeved white top and jeans. Yet his abs were still slightly showing under the clothing. "It's okay. Call me Marcus" the older ape replied. The human replying with an 'okay' before he went back to his own thoughts. "Hey guys" Teo said going down the stairs wearing a pear of dark jeans with a dark grey top and a blue zip up cardigan. The others said hello back and everyone had breakfast. Marcus having community service again soon while Johnny didn't really know what to do with the theatre still being closed. The day then went on with the two humans trying to get on with their own hobbies. Yet didn't know what they were supposed to do if anything at all in this strange new world. "Hey you guys. Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" Johnny asked getting the two teens attention. "Don't really know...I kinda want to just...draw stuff" Teo replied. Johnny then quickly got a pencil and a piece of paper and he said that she could draw whatever she wanted. Even himself if she wanted to. "I hope us doing...this...doesn't make our lives back in our own world even worse. I don't know what kinda job I could get if it wasn't in football" Flash said. His words making the brunette get an idea and she asked if she could get crayons next.

After a few minutes Teo had finished the drawing. Revealing it to her two friends and it was of a gorilla that looked like Johnny. Yet he was wearing a suit and tie instead of the more casual look he was wearing at that moment. More days passed and Johnny found out from Flash that tried hard with his life even though he didn't have much and was even able to become captain of his school's football team. Yet growing up he wanted to be a superhero instead. The brunette saying that someone might find him attractive and give him a kiss if he had a hero costume like that of Batman or Green Lantern and he blushed slightly making the gorilla realise that the blonde haired teen might have had a crush on her. Teo on the other hand said that her family was plagued with bad luck for years. Never even winning anything more then bottles of alcohol at local raffles that her parents would either give away to friends or would save for themselves for special occasions. or other small knickknack like things such as boxes of chocolates that both her and her brother were able to keep. A knock at the door came and Johnny saw that it was his friend Ash. Coming to see how he was doing along with the humans. "Hey Ash. Nice top" Teo complimented. The teen porcupine saying hello in return before she asked how everyone there was coping. Johnny said that everyone was okay and that Teo was wanting to be an artist growing up while Flash guessed he could have a successful career in football.  "Is the theatre still closed?" Johnny asked. Wanting to get back to performing in front of a crowd. Ash replied that she wasn't sure for now. The two animals looking glum as they didn't know how or if the two humans could get sent back home. No other humans being seen. Yet the brunette told them that there were several humans including herself in the experiment. 

The phone rang and Johnny picked it up soon hearing that it was Mr Moon. Buster on the other end of the phone told him he had good news as the theatre was going to open again later that night as it had been so long since when Teo accidently gate crashed Johnny's performance. "Do you think that you can come to a quick rehearsal right now?" Buster asked. The young ape saying that he could and that he would be over right away. The two humans asked what was going on and Johnny told them the good news. "Wait a minute. What about them?" Ash asked. "I hope your not going to insult us soon" Teo thought. Knowing how cruel teenagers could be and didn't know if teenage talking, singing animals were any different to human ones. Johnny said that maybe they could come with them to which Teo smiled before asking if they needed to dress into something fancy. The comment making Flash reply that he didn't want to feel underdressed if it was going to be something big and fancy. Adding that he didn't know if he should wear a suit or a tux to such a thing. "I think you'll be fine with what you have right now" Johnny reassured them. Making them feel calm before Teo said that she might want to kiss someone if they wore a suit while dancing with her to a slow song. The comment making Flash blush again and Ash could see his crush on the human brunette. Yet she didn't know if the show was going to be interrupted again like before, If Teo's family had already arrived into their world or who the other person was who had a crush on Teo in the run up to the experiment. Johnny wondering the last two questions even more then her. 

"Welcome back guys. Nice to see you two back as well" Buster said. Greeting the four of them with a smile. Teo then asked the question that both Ash and Johnny were thinking to which the Koala said that he was just hoping that there wouldn't be another show getting postponed because of dimensional gate crashers and was keeping his fingers crossed. The dark haired teen asked if they were all going to sing and Buster said that they could give them a performance from the show to celebrate the theatre being rebuilt. The two teens agreed and they started first with Gunter and Rosita singing 'Shake It Off' again. The two humans cheered with the brunette saying she liked listening to the artist and Flash smiled at her. Feeling happy that she was as well. Buster said that up next was Johnny and the gorilla was a little nervous. But a feeling of determination to have his friends keep smiling made his worry of something else ruining his performance get pushed to the back of his mind. He put his all into the show and when he was this time able to finish the song he felt happy that he was able to finish it. Looking over and seeing Teo cheering for him made him smile more as his new friend was liking the show. Buster came back onto the stage and said that Ash was up next and that this time she was going to sing 'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Rae Jepsen. Teo said that her mum liked the song and the young gorilla asked if they were going to see her mum appear in their world. Teo shook her head and replied that out of her family it was just herself, her dad and her little brother who were taking part in the experiment. Doctors having told her that she couldn't take part because she might need surgery to deal with a bad left knee. Johnny said that he understood. Before he started to miss his own mum. Yet a thought came to him that if she was somewhere else. Then she would be happy and at peace so long as he was happy too.

The backing track for the song started but it didn't last for long until a blast of wind hit Ash from the side and two thuds landed on the side of the stage behind the curtain. A deep growl came and a younger sounding snarl came as two more humans appeared in hospital gowns and on all fours. "Ash be careful" Johnny said. The porcupine deciding to try what Johnny did with Teo and Flash and put music on her phone as the song 'Moves Like Jagger' from Maroon 5 started. Johnny said that they needed food and the other quickly looked for something for the two humans to eat. Buster bringing out a plastic torpor box with some mac and cheese while Rosita took out a wrap containing some chicken and salad. The two humans ate the food and listened to the music before their eyes closed and they soon stopped acting feral. The young ape realising that they now knew what to do if more humans showed up. "Teo. I missed you dork" the young one said. Smiling slightly at her. The brunette saying hello back but called him a brat before she introduced the others to her little brother Jack. Jack asked if their dad had shown up yet to which his sister said that he hadn't. "Hey Conner" Teo said. "Hey again Teo" Conner replied. Rosita said that the show couldn't go on if more humans were going to gate crash the theatre and Johnny asked again why the test was going on in the first place. Conner said that he thought he saw stuff on the news about the big day. Ash asking what was going on to which the brunette replied that things in there world were getting bad. Now both Flash and her remembering why the experiment was going ahead in their world. Replying that some said being able to get to other worlds was a chance for the human race to start a fresh. While others in their world argued that the other worlds be stripped of what was wanted for their own benefits. "How many more humans are coming Teo?" Buster asked. The others looking worried. The brunette replying that there was six apart from herself, Jack, their dad, Conner and Flash. The others now knowing that these seven humans could show up whenever and that the reason they were sent there might not have been for something so good for their world.

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