Chapter 2: The Girl

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"...are you okay?" Johnny asked the human girl. Slowly going over to her. "Be careful Johnny" his dad warned. Still holding the bat tightly just in case. The girl seemed to be a little different to how she was acting before. Yet slightly growled as she tried to reattach the charm to her charm bracelet as she shivered slightly. Even though it was warm outside. Johnny said that he would help her and he gently held her hand still before she clipped the charm back onto her bracelet. Making her smile again. "Are humans supposed to act like this dad?" Johnny asked. Marcus said that they didn't. Saying that he heard stories growing up from his dad about how humans were like when they once were around. Saying that they were clever enough to build towers of steel and glass that could touch the sky and make different things to travel across oceans on the water itself or up high above. Johnny then asked what happened to them if they weren't all like feral animals to which his dad just replied that he didn't know as his grandad had never told him. The human girl then started to chatter her teeth again slightly and went over to the kitchen area of the garage. The young ape guessing that she was hungry now and tried to look for something to give her. He then asked himself inside his mind if humans could eat chocolate to which he grabbed the chocolate bar and her eyes seemed to become fixed on the food. "...I don't want this human to be here as some kind of stray pet. But your cleaning up the mess if she's sick everywhere Johnny" Marcus said. Putting the bat down. Johnny then said that he wouldn't before he took off the wrapper and gave the chocolate to the girl. She sniffed the bar as if she was trying to see if it was bad or not. But soon ate it and started to smile again. "There you go...I think you liked that" Johnny said. Seeing her smile before he took some chocolate crumbs that were by her lips off. "...thank you" she replied. Making the two apes surprised. Before she closed her eyes and once open. Started to act like how she was before. 

"Have I been watching Planet of The Apes too many times?" the girl asked herself. Seeing two apes. One looking older then the other. One of them wearing what looked like white boxers and a vest while the other was wearing formal dark blue pants and a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the top button loose revealing a gold chain underneath it. Johnny asked what she was talking about to which Marcus replied it was an old human movie where apes increased in intelligence and took over the world while humans became more animal like after they blew up much of themselves. The brunette asked if they knew where her family was to which Johnny said that he just saw her alone falling through a portal while he was doing his performance. The brown haired girl remembered everything that happened to her before her arrival and she just said that she was sorry to the young ape before a yawn escaped past her lips. Johnny asked his dad if she could sleep over to which Marcus grumbled for a while before he reluctantly agreed. The older ape getting out a sleeping bag and a blow up mattress before the temporary bed was finished with a thin blanket being put on the top. "Sorry we don't have any pyjamas for you. You'll have to sleep in what you got right now" Johnny said. Looking a little sad for her. She said it was okay and just went to sleep before Johnny did the same. The night going on until the sun came up and it was the start of a new day. "'s time to wake up now" Johnny said. Seeing her still asleep. Just holding onto one of his fingers before she opened her blue eyes and yawned a good morning back. The two went down for breakfast and the two apes asked where she came from. Teo just replied that she wasn't sure. But remembered both herself and her family were part of some experiment. 

The two apes said that they never got her name to which she replied that her name was Teo. Johnny letting out a friendly smile as he introduced himself along with his dad. "Sorry I acted before. Don't know what came over me" Teo said looking a little glum. Johnny said that it was okay and Marcus asked if she knew where her family was. The brunette just shook her head and Johnny came up with an idea. Thinking that maybe being in the place she arrived at could somehow be the key to getting her back to her family. Marcus said that he wasn't sure of what to look for but would help his son anyways as he didn't have community service until later in the day. "Are you two criminals or something?" Teo asked looking surprised and a little suspiciously at the two apes. Marcus looking glum before he said that he was a mob boss while his son was a singer. She looked at the older ape asking if he shot people but the ape said that he didn't and just robbed places like banks until the day he was caught and arrested. The three then went to the theatre and Marcus asked what happened before the brunette arrived. Johnny replying that he didn't know exactly but that the power started to act up and a wind started to appear from nowhere. "Johnny? What are you doing here?" Buster asked looking surprised and confused. "Sorry Mr Moon. But I wanted to help someone out" Johnny replied. The koala told him that he wasn't the only one to come back as the others had all came back as well. All with the exception of Mike but he said that if he didn't want to be part of the show anymore then they weren't going to force him. 

"By the way. Who's this...aah" Buster asked before he saw the same human from yesterday now being back again. "The human is back? Is she still going to attack us?" Ask asked looking shocked at what she was seeing in front of her. The young ape said that it was okay now and that she was harmless. Adding that she just needed help in getting back to her family. Suddenly a slight breeze came past the stage and the sound of a snarl and something crashing to the floor came from back stage. "More of them are coming" Marcus said. Not knowing if these new humans were also going to be feral like Teo was or how many there were. But he was still going to protect his son. "Mr Moon there's something back there" Ms Crawly said running over to them looking scared while trying not to lose her glass eye. The sounds of something coming got closer and closer until finally another human showed up. Just like Teo being in some kind of hospital gown. But he had blonde hair and emerald eyes yet was feral like she was. He hissed at the group yet stopped when he noticed Teo. Ash asked what they were going to do. To which Johnny said he wanted to try something again. Getting out his phone and started to play the glee version of the song 'Let Me Love You' originally by Ne Yo after putting some earphones into his ears. He started to smile and calm a little to the tune before the song ended. Yet he still seemed a little unlike himself. "I got an idea" Teo said and went up to the teen boy. She then gave him a hug and his eyes closed before he started to hug her back. The human male saying that he liked it and was happy the hug was coming from her. "Sorry if I scared you guys. I just wasn't me" he said. Teo said that it was alright as she was here now. Johnny asked who he was and the brunette said that his name was Flash and like the others was apart of the experiment as well. 

Rosita asked what the experiment was for to which the two humans said that they thought it had something to do with accessing different dimensions. Yet when it came to why they couldn't remember just yet. Flash asked if they could change clothes and get out of the hospital gowns they were wearing but Buster said that he wasn't sure if it was possible. The two humans looked at the talking koala in confusion before he said that humans had been gone for a very long time and that animals had taken over making their own way of life. With humans being relegated to just stories making both of them wonder what happened to humanity in the dimension they were in. "Can we please wear something else? I think I might start to smell in this rag" Teo complained. Wanting to wear anything else. Ash thought out loud that there was maybe a museum exabit that was on humans But Buster said that was unlikely with Marcus agreeing that it was about as likely as seeing exabit on unicorns in a national history museum. The brunette apologised for interrupting again but asked what the names of the other talking animals were as she only knew two of them while the blonde haired teen said that he didn't know any of them at all. The group then introduced themselves to the two humans and they smiled introducing themselves back. Johnny said that he might have an idea on how to help with clothing and asked his dad and friends for help. Ash and his dad agreeing but Marcus said that he had to leave soon for community service. The five of them went to a shopping mall and other animals looked at the two humans in surprised yet just continued with their day. Johnny asking if she could pick some clothes that she liked in the girls section while himself and his dad helped Flash out in the boys. The two humans being in an ape clothing store. Ash asked how Teo's life was being a human to which she said it was okay at times. Yet thought that in the run up to the experiment that two of the other participants had crushes on her. The day continuing on. Nobody knowing how things would end with humans showing up. If things were going to end at all. 

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