Part 5

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(Time skip Harry is 8 mouths) 

(Harry's POV) 

I'm really excited I'm 8 mouths pregnant now which means I'm going to meet my little bundles joy very soon since I'm carrying twins they come earlier then just one baby the after a while I found a beautiful home in California both of the nurseries are ready and I really love them I can't wait for my children to get here anyway I've just finished making breakfast and now I was putting the dishes in the dish washer when all of a sudden 

I feel pain shot through my stomach at first I just brush it off thinking that it was Braxton Hicks contractions and went on with my day but after awhile the pain comes back worse this time and that's when I know this is the real thing so I immediately call my mom "hello honey what is it" through gritted teeth I tell her "mom I'm in labor the babies are coming today" "oh harry that's wonderful hang tight sweetie I'll call jay and tell her but right now you need to focus on getting to the hospital" "ok I'm going to call the ambulance now" "ok honey will be there as soon as we can" after we hung up I called the ambulance and told them I'm in labor they said they be their right away 

After waiting fifteen minutes the ambulance finally shows up I know fifteen minutes isn't long but when your in labor it feels like forever they put me into the ambulance and "I think my water just broke" I say to the paramedics "ok hang tight will be at the hospital shortly" I nod and breath deeply through the next contraction each one getting worse then the last when we finally arrive at the hospital I get taken to the deliver wing they transfer me to the bed and the doctor came in once they left "hello mr. styles so I here your having two little babies today how you feeling" she asks "alright other then the fact that I feel like my stomach is going to explode" I say trying to make a joke even though I am in intense pain 

"Yes labor is a very painful process I remember giving birth to my daughter and it was no walk in the park" she says I laugh with but it it get's cut of when I'm hit with a big contraction "ok honey how about we get you changed into a gown and then check how dilated you are alright" I nod as I was in to much pain to talk she grabs a gown and helps me change soon I'm back on the bed "ok harry I need to check how far your dilation is ok I'm sorry this might be a little uncomfortable can you please spread your legs" I do as she told me "your at six centimetres Harry not much longer till your at ten I'll be back to check on you in a little bit also if you need anything at all just push the call button and the nurse we get you what you need alright" I nod and she leaves 

(Time skip to the birth) 

It is finally time my babies are coming right now I'm ten centimetres and ready to freaking bosh "ok harry on the next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can alright" the doctor says between my legs (don't get any funny ideas) "ok" it's takes quite a while but soon the room is filled with a baby cry "congratulations mr. styles baby a is a boy" the doctor says as she places him on my chest he is still covered in blood and yuck but I don't care I just hug him close and kiss his head "hello sweetie pie it's so great to meet you your sister will be born soon and then I can finally be with both of you" I say then the nurse took him away to get cleaned up and dressed and to run some test to make sure he was good and healthy 

After about 17 minutes I started getting more contractions "ok harry this is it now remember push when you feel a contraction" soon I pushing after 30 minutes of pushing I finally hear a baby cry "baby b is a girl mr. styles congratulations again" I hug my daughter after she get put on my chest her cries soon disappear after awhile but few seconds later the nurse to her to do the same thing as my son "ok mr. styles now we just have to deliver the placentas" the doctor says 

A few hours after I deliver the placentas and I've gotten some rest two nurses brought my babies they were wrapped in pink and blue blankets and had pink and blue hats "can I hold my babies please" I ask the nurse while sitting up "of corse you can she hands me my son while the other nurse hands me my daughter I hold them in each of my arms keeping them close to my chest the nurses leave to give me sometime alone with my children I watched as they both slept peacefully "you both are so beautiful I'm so glad I get to hold now and forever I promise to love you to no end and protect you with my life" I kiss both of their heads 

The next day is when mine and Louis's families show up "mr. styles their are some people here to see you" the nurse says "please let them in" she nods and 10 minutes the room is full and everyone is going crazy over the babies everyone getting their turn to hold them right now my mom is holding my son while jay holds my little girl "so have you decided on names yet Harry" jay asks me I think for a moment "Freddie Reign Styles-Tomlinson and Darcy Johannah Styles-Tomlinson" I see jay's eyes start to water "you want your daughter's middle name to be mine" I nod "and you want them to also have their last names to be Tomlinson" dan asks "yes because your their family and it wouldn't feel right for them to only have my last name" "thank you Harry" jay says she hands Darcy to Lottie and hugs me 

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