Star Feels a New Type of Mewberty.

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Stars POV
I woke up this morning remembering the laser puppies were my new alarm clock. They woke me up every morning at 9:00am now that it was summer and schools finally out. But they weren't the ones who woke me up this time. I woke up with a strange itch all over my body nearly able to see anything but purple. Then I remembered.....MEWBERTY! People on Mewni always have a second Mewberty and it comes back stronger than ever. This second Mewberty usually wants the first person it sees. Next thing I knew Marco came into my room to wake me up because the laser puppies were away. Her heart started pounding like a fast beating drum.
"Star? Please tell me that this isn't Mewberty." Marco said fearfully.
"Oh, it is." I said with a smirk on my face jumping out of the pile of purple hearts charging towards Marco. "And I want you, I want you bad!" I exclaimed. His parents were out of town this weekend so we had plenty of time. Wait! I need to stop this is my best friend! I don't love him like that! Well maybe I do.....but this is all too fast! I stopped for a moment trying to convince my Mewberty while Marco stood there jaw dropped to the floor.

Marcos POV
Star was wearing nothing by her underwear because she hadn't gotten dressed yet. He's been trying to hide he actually has been wanting to do this with her for a long time using Jackie as a cover up so star wouldn't assume. I mean who wouldn't?! She's a space princess! But I can't do this while she's under the influence of Mewberty. She's your best friend! But I can't hold back when she's like this and my parents are out of town. Geez. Marco what are you about to do.....? We stared at each other for a couple seconds and started to storm towards each other. I had no idea what was going on.....but I liked it.

Stars POV
I stopped to think. Maybe Mewberty is trying to lead me towards the right direction. Maybe Oskar isn't "the one" and maybe Marco is. I have no idea what I'm about to do but I think I want to and not just because of Mewberty. I stormed towards Marco and jumped on him hands clutching onto his red hoodie. Pretty soon we were both naked... With no idea of what we just did. But it was worth it. I cuddled up next to Marco and said, "I love more than a best triangle food making, karate-loving, monster-fighting friend."

Marcos POV
I can't believe I am actually laying next to the beautiful star butterfly in bed. She said, " I love more than a eat triangle food making, karate-loving, monster-fighting friend.
I had nothing to say but, "I love you too star....I love you too." We payed there all day just talking and had fallen asleep that night with star cuddled up next to me.
Authors note:
I hope you guys liked it! Tell me if I should do more of this story, make requests, and tell me what to improve on! It's my first fanfiction so tell me what you guys think! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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