Chapter 4

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Mason's POV

2 days. The kid was out of consciousness for 2 days. His dad had only shown up once in that time. He almost seemed disappointed at the fact that his son had wound up in a hospital after a fight. He didn't stay for long, only left instructions to be called when he woke up. I was now allowed to see him a few hours a day, I visited every day after school. I'm still not entirely sure why I am doing what I'm doing. I just had this urge to check on him, maybe I was just being a decent human being, but whatever it was I found myself constantly wishing he would wake up.

Liam's POV

I was drifting in darkness, everywhere was quiet and peaceful. Hmm, peace. It's what I've always wanted but why do I feel so unsettled? As if I'm not meant to be here now. I was distracted by a bright light approaching me. When the figure got closer could make out it was a woman, she looked so familiar but I couldn't lay my finger on it.


"Yes it's me," she said softly as I ran into her arms telling her how much I had missed. She was the same as I remembered, she still gave the best hugs and she still smelt like the garden she spent most of her time tending to.

She started to tear up, "Mom? Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry baby."

"For what? You're the best-" she cut me off, Noo, I'm not and you know it, so don't even say it. I left you, and your dad. Look what I did to you." She said pointing to the whole of me. I sighed, Momm you didn't do this to me, it was the man dad has allowed himself to become. Not you."

"Exactly he wasn't like that before I died, my death changed him. I changed him." "Mom, it's not our fault he chose to let it change him. He's hurting, I get that but he doesn't have to be an ass about it. I'm hurting too but you don't see me going around being negligent to my family or drinking and smoking my life away," I half yelled at her. "Mom please don't blame yourself for what he did. It's not your fault, please." She didn't respond to that, she wouldn't even look at me. "Mom, please for whatever reason that you are here let's not spend it talking about him."

She sighed, "okay."

"Where are we?" 

"It's somewhere in between heaven and your consciousness." 

"So I'm not dead?" "Of course not, it's not your time there's so much you are meant to do with your life before you die." 

"Is this all in my head? Am I making this up?" She shrugged, "Who's to say." 

"Come, walk with me," she began walking and I followed. "Don't let your dad hold you back from who you are meant to be. It seems you have someone who really cares about you." "First of what is that even meant to mean? Secondly, what are you talking about no one cares."

"Don't be silly Li, the guy who helped you and your dad, he still cares but I suppose that is the problem." "Mom, you're not making sense anymore and who knows why he helped me. I barely know him, I've seen him around school and he plays for the football team that's all I know. He could use this to blackmail me for all I know." "Liam, why would he go through all this trouble just to blackmail you? He has visited every day since." 

"I don't know. Wait... how long have I been out?" "It's been 3 days now." 

Three days? I stood there in shock, she kept walking. "Liam, I'm being serious, please promise me you will get to know him and not push him away. You can't be alone, you know you don't do well alone." I sighed, "I promise Mom. I won't push him away." She paused and turned to smile at me, Thank you baby."

She walked up to me and cupped my cheek. I leaned into her touch, a tear fell from my eye and she wiped it away with her thumb. "Can I stay here?"

She smiled at me sadly, "Ohh my sweet child, I'm so sorry." She began fading off.

I didn't want her to leave. Not yet, "please."

"I wish I could stay, but unfortunately I can't. Remember baby, I will always love you no matter what."

"I love you mom... bye," and with that, she was gone. At least I got to say goodbye this time.

Abused and Broken (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now