KiLl HeR !!!!

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Michael Myers prov
Michael was walking to his neices school , out in the open because well it was almost Halloween , a lot of people ignored the fact he was there which he hated but the ones that did see him would give him strange looks and when they thought they were far away were he couldn't here them , which he could , they would talk about him like a freak , some people even complimented his costume , Michael had just heard he had a little niece and was on his way to 'meet' her , out of the corner of his black eye he saw something that anyone would call strange but now a days nothing would surprise Michael , he stop and went to hide behind a tree and watched closely , their was a girl , he couldn't hear them but could see their lips move well the guy which Michael guessed was the employee , the guy said something making the girl stop and look at the guy , from what Michael could see the guy look terrified but he didn't know why because he couldn't see the girls face but he did see the guy pass out from fear either the guy had a soft heart or he saw something truly terrifying as Michael saw this he dug his fingers into the tree making his fingernails bleed , it didn't hurt him , the voices in his head screamed for him to KiLl and told him "KiLl hEr , KiLl hEr , ShEs cOmPeTiTiOn , YoU mUsT KiLl hEr , ShEs A tHrEaT tO yOu , KiLl hEr NoW bEfOrE sHe EnDs YoU , tHiS iS yOuR tOwN nOt HeRs , ShOw HeR wHo ThE BoOgYmAn Is , ShOw HeR , sHoW hEr ...... KILL HER!!!" the voices all scream , Michael fell to his knees , dropping his huge kitchen kinfe and putting his hands on his mask ears , trying to make them stop but he knew the only way to make them stop is to give them what they what and that is to see fresh blood spill by the blade that started it all , Michaels blade , the voices wanted to see blood on that blade and they weren't going to take no for a answer , Michael had to kill to make them stop , Michael slowly got up , grabbing his kinfe in the process and started to walk away ..... Death has fallen on this little town once again but this time theres competition .... Michael was away for far too long and now he's back..... (hope you like :3 , by the way your car looks like the pic)

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