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Leader: Crookedstar- huge light-colored tabby with a twisted jaw. A tom

Deputy: Oakheart- a reddish brown tom

Medicine cat

Blossomear- grey white and brown tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice: Stonepaw


Mosstail- black she-cat with green eyes and a fluffy white tipped tail

Breezewing- orange tabby with amber eyes. An friendly tampered tom

Silverthroat- light-grey she-cat with a torn right ear and a sharp tongue. Loves to annoy her apprentice
Apprentice: Creekpaw

Willowtail- black tom with a white muzzle and white paws

Pinetooth- orange tabby tom with blue eyes and unusually big teeth
Apprentice: Ashpaw

Milkpelt- completely white she-cat, they say she had to much milk as a kit

Hawkeye- brown tabby tom, with amazing eyes

Frostwisper- white tom with a light-brown belly and muzzle. Oldest warrior in RiverClan
Apprentice: Dawnpaw

Cloverheart- dark-brown tabby tom, with two torn ears and a scar on his lip
Apprentice: Crowpaw

Brightface- dark colored she-cat with slightly lighter face and amber eyes
Apprentice: Rainpaw

Leopardfur- leopard like looking she-cat


Rainpaw- grey tom with big blue eyes, brother to Ravenpaw and Ashpaw

Dawnpaw- big orange tabby tom

Stonepaw- grey tortoiseshell she-cat blue eyes

Creekpaw- white kit with blue amber eyes, Stonepaws brother

Ravenpaw- black colored tom cat, brother to Ashpaw and Rainpaw

Ashpaw- grey tortoiseshell she-cat, has a sharp tongue


Mudpelt- brown she-cat
Kits: Stonepaw, Creekpaw and Hollykit

Bubblenose- grey she-cat
Kits: Ashpaw, Rainpaw and Ravenpaw

Quicktail- orange tabby she-cat
Kits: Dawnpaw, and one kit that was born dead


Shorttail- white tom who lost his tail in a battle with ShadowClan, he likes to tell others about it

Otterear- grey she-cat with unusually small ears

Waternose- beige tortoiseshell she-cat with white paws

Honeytail- beige she-cat, oldest cat in RiverClan

Leopardclaw- leopard colored tom, oldest tom in RiverClan

Cats outside of Clans

Foxtail- huge brown tom with green eyes. Lives around twolegplaces

//This is a re-upload, I wasn't satisfied with the old version :) also what do you think of the characters?

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