Chapter six

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// there will be a tw for every chapter after this now, other than that have fun reading this chapter my loves!//

Ashpaw fell to the ground, next to her mom's body. Tears streaming down her face.

How could this have happened?

The other cats gathered around the Highrock stared at her with big, round eyes. Ashpaw closed her eyes and touched her muzzle to her mother's lifeless body.

A warm presence lay down next to her but Ashpaw did not care. Then a voice started speaking.

Her moms voice

You got this, Ashpaw. I'Il always watch over you in the ranks of StarClan. Now let the other cats do their ceremony.

When Ashpaw looked up, no one was there. A cat hurried through the crowd of cats toward her. It was Stonepaw.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, if you need to talk, I'm here for you" Ashpaw stood up and padded to Stonepaw and rested her head on the medicine cat's neck.

Blossomear padded up to them. "Stonepaw, let Ashpaw get some space. She should talk to her family right now, not the medicine cat apprentice"

Ashpaw felt her heart sink, she didn't want her family, she wanted Stonepaw.

Stonepaw padded away, "I'm sorry, just know that I love you" she wispered.

Something fluttered in Ashpaws belly, but that disappeared when Stonepaw followed Blossomear through the crowd to the medicine den.

"How could mom have been this mouse-brained" spoke her brother, who had showed up next to her. The cats in the clearing were slowly getting ready to sleep.

"What do you mean by that?" Ashpaw looked at her brother in shock, did he accuse their mom of something?

"If she didn't tell anyone about her betrayal, no one would have came after her" he said like it was common sense.

"What did she say?" Ashpaw urged him to go on. "find that out yourself, I'm not telling you any more" while he said that, he placed his tail over his mouth.

Next to her, her younger brother Ravenpaw sat in silence. Head down. Tears fell from his eyes to the ground.

Ashpaw stepped closer to him and laid her tail on his shoulders. Soft sobs escaped her brother's mouth. "How d-did this hap-pen?" He asked between breaths.

Not knowing what to say, Ashpaw looked around. Since the sun was lowering behind the treetops she couldn't tell who it was, but a cat approached her.

Feeling uneasy, she padded away, the opposite direction of the approaching cat.

When she padded to the edge of the camp she heard a familiar voice calling out to her, softly.

"What a shame, isn't it?" Angry she turned around, fur bristling. "Get out of my fur for once, Foxtail " the big tom shrugged, "just a shame how her own Clan leader never even liked her" then Foxtail disappeared into the bushes around camp.

How dare that cat talk about my mother that way

Only then she noticed where he had driven her, she stood next to the thorn bush. He knows about it? How? Quickly she flashed a glance at her flank, the big red line still running across it.

She looked around, no cat was around, she heard her brothers silently mew at each other, then heard Mosstail shutting them up. She creeped into the thorn bush, careful not to scratch herself again. Once in her spot in the bush she sat down and began walking through everything that had happened that day.

When she couldn't seem to get her paw on what the rogue meant, she gave up and opened her eyes again. As she stood up to rejoin her brothers on their vigil she stepped on a thorn. She stopped and licked her paw, the thorn was thrilled deeply in her paw pad. Surprisingly the pain didn't panic her, instead it calmed her.

Clutching the thorn between her teeth she took a deep breath, then she pulled it out. The thorn was big and had left a big wound. When the thorn left the wound, blood pooled up in it. Ashpaw couldn't help but stare at it. Something so beautiful, yet so dangerous. A big drop of blood fell on the ground and Ashpaw returned to her senses. She put her paw on the ground, ignoring the burning feeling, and padded back to her brothers.

Her brothers looked at her when she sat next to them again, tears in her eyes again. "Where have you been," Rainpaw hissed "have you got bees in your brain? You shou..." Ashpaw ignored the rest. Mosstail looked at her, puzzled. "You don't want to be here, do you?" Ashpaw sighed. "Listen, the thorn i-it was an accid-" "who would want to sit vigil for their mother?" Stonepaw interrupted her. "I mean, come on, no one wants that, right?" The medicine cat asked while nudging Ashpaw toward the medicine den.

Once inside the den Ashpaw stared at the she-cat in front of her. "What was that for?" While binding up Ashpaw's paw pad with cobwebs the medicine cat chuckled. "And let you tell them you've been speaking with Foxtail?" With wide eyes Ashpaw stared at the medicine cat. "How did you know that?" Stonepaw stopped what she was doing.

"You sneak out of camp at night and smell like if all the Clans got a kit together, it's not that hard to figure out." Stonepaw said while staring her straight in her eyes. fox dung! She's so smart! "Now, do you want to tell me who did that to you or not?" The medicine cat said while grabbing Ashpaw's paw again. Ashpaw sighed, her heart beating rapidly. "Don't get mad, no one did."

While nudging Ashpaw to the nest in the medicine den, Stonepaw smiled. "Just tell me who it was, they'll regret it soon enough." Sitting down Ashpaw felt worse and worse. "Foxtail didn't do this, I-I just stepped on a thorn, that's all" not a lie, but she wasn't gonna tell the medicine cat apprentice that she enjoyed the pain it had given.

Looking in her eyes, Stonepaw seemed to see there was more to the story. "I won't keep you here any longer, go to your brothers and honor your mother" she smiled, then padded away.

Careful not to undo the work Stonepaw did, she hopped over to her brothers. They didn't even look up and she settled down next to them, keeping vigil until the birds called the rest of the Clan awake.

//I just wanted to tell you guys that I've had a rough time lately due to personal reasons, I don't know how this will affect the story.

I love u guys!!//

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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