Chapter five

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//Heyy, I'm back! this chapter was hard to write but I hope you guys will enjoy it!//

//TW SH//

Ashpaw sniffed the air in search for prey. She had left with the sun high patrol with her new mentor Milkpelt, her brother Ravenpaw and his mentor Brightface, and the Clans deputy, Leopardfur.

Milkpelt had been pestering Ashpelt about how she should've saved her dead mentor, Pinetooth. Ashpaw already felt horrible about her old mentors death. Yesterday Milkpelt had kept her so busy, she hadn't thought about her old mentor at al, but now all the memories came flooding back. How she was too late to bring help, and found their bodies both split in half on the blood drenched forest ground, how their faced were terrified when they literally looked death in the eyes..

I wish I could've saved them.

A tear rolled down her cheek. She had done all she could. She had run back to camp and gotten help, but had been too late. She felt like she had their blood on her paws. After a second tear rolled down her face, Milkpelt noticed and gave Ashpaw a look. She had held up the patrol by crying. She jumped and raced back to the patrol, which was a few fox lengths away.

The rest of the patrol Ashpaw had felt like a burden to her Clanmates. Even though it was greenleaf already, the prey was running low. The only time she'd sensed prey, she had tried to catch it but her emotions overwhelmed her and the prey had ran away.

The patrol returned to camp after what felt like ages, with only two mice and one watervole. When they padded through the camp entrance, Crookedstar looked at her with judgment in his eyes. She wasn't holding prey, she'd failed her Clan again. The rest of the patrol was welcomed happily by the Clan.

While her Clanmates shared tongues with the patrol about how the prey was running, Ashpaws eyes went blurry. She ran into the forest, hoping no one saw her and padded around for a bit. After a while her vision went completely blurry and she lay down, under the protection of a big oak tree. Tears escaped her eyes and wet the forest floor. She lay there for a bit as a comforting warmth approached her.

A warm tongue suddenly lapped up her tears from her face and Ashpaw looked up to see Stonepaw sitting over her like a mother would do with her newborn kits. Ashpaw tried to speak, but only more cries came out. Then Stonepaw spoke; "it's okay, I don't know what is going on but it's okay" now calmed down a bit, Ashpaw asked "Why did you follow me? Why do you care?" Another tear rolled down her cheek and she closed her eyes again. "Because, I saw you pad out of camp like this and didn't want anything to happen to you, my dear" Ashpaws crying stopped, and turned into laughter. "Why not? The Clan wouldn't care if I were dead" she then felt a tail over her face. "I would"

"We should get back to camp before our mentors notice we're gone" Stonepaw spoke. "But I don't want to" Ashpaw argued. Stonepaw stood up, "I saved some mouse for you" she nudged to Ashpaw with her tail, then she ran away. Catching up to her, Ashpaw jumped on Stonepaws back, "gotcha" with a purr in her throat Stonepaw whined; "but im only a medicine cat" Ashpaw jumped off. "the last at the clearing is a rotten fish!"

Then they sped back toward camp, ignoring the weird looks the leader gave them. She ignored it and sat next to her brother Rainpaw and his friend Dawnpaw, who was a large orange tabby of 5 moons. She overheard Dawnpaw proudly telling her brother he was gonna be a warrior soon, but their mews quickly turned to laughter when they saw her.

"Look! It's the cat who is as much use as a dead fox!" Dawnpaw laughed at her. Her brother quickly joined in; "She doesn't catch as much as a whisker!" Anger grew in her belly, she unshielded her claws and angrily padded up to her brother. "Oh really?" She sneered at him, "if I remember correctly you've been an apprentice longer than me and still haven't caught your first fish" embarrassed, Rainpaw did a step backwards. Laughing, Dawnpaw stood up and padded away.

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