Chapter 17

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Hnary slowly regained consciousness. It was bright and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the sharp light. He was stiff and weak, but he wasn't cold. Rather, he felt kind of warm. With some effort, he managed to sit up. He was in a small room, with a small fireplace in the corner. No fire flickered, but there were red embers simmering in the hearth. The others were there too, still asleep. At least, he assumed they were. Each of them were placed on sleeping mats with thick blankets placed over top.

Rickard was next to come to, being in the same predicament as Hnary. Hungry and weak.

"Hnary?" he asked looking around, taking in his surroundings. "Are we dead?"

"No, I don't think so. I imagine if there is an afterlife, it would feel so, small."

"Then where are we? Correct me if I'm wrong, but last I remember we were freezing to death in the snow."

"That is the last I recall as well. It would seem fortune has smiled upon us."

"Perhaps the swords have conjured a shelter for us..." Rickard trailed off and checked his hip for his sword. It was not there. "It's gone."

Hnary was similarly afflicted. "Someone has taken them. The only explanation how they could be gone and how we are here."

"Have to say, if we're prisoners again, this is by far more pleasant cell to wake up in. Now if we could just wake up with a fresh meal waiting for us"

"We should probably wake Megan," said Hanry.

Rickard agreed and took it upon himself to gently shake her awake.

"What is?" she asked sleepily.

"We aren't freezing anymore," he answered. "Get up. We're in a room somewhere and our swords are gone."

"That's nice," muttered Zedrick, curled up next to Megan.

Megan however understood the situation and got up. She rubbed her head and looked around. "Doesn't looked much like a cell. I'd call it a guest room."

"Really?" asked Hnary. He looked around again. The walls were bare. There was a door and a single window that looked out on a blizzard.

"Do you not have guest rooms back in the desert?" asked Megan.

"We don't really have multiple rooms."

"Well, we can't stay here. We should get out and look for our swords."

Zedrick, getting up peaked outside. "I'm not going out there. Let's stay where it's warm."

"Might not be a bad idea," said Megan. "This does feel more like we've been put up. Would be polite of us to at least wait for our gracious hosts to introduce themselves."

"Not so gracious, I'd say," said Zedtrick. "I don't see any fruit tray."

The door opened with a creak and a young woman stepped in with a tray in her hands. Her hair was snow white and she was in a modest dress with layers to it, providing extra warmth. While the hair through things off, she otherwise looked to be about sixteen.

"Greetings," she said with a shy smile. "I thought you might like some dinner."

"You have convenient timing," said Hnary.

"I heard voices. So I assumed you were awake and would like something to eat."

"Who are you?" asked Rickard.

She smiled Again. "I am Celeste."

"I am Rickard, this is Hnary, Megan and the fur ball is Zedrick. We owe you a dept of thanks."

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