02. Chapter Two

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The princess surrendered to the intimate moment, a soft whimper escaping her lips as her lover's tongue traced delicate outlines along her breast. Adrielle found herself pleasantly surprised by Leanne's mastery, a revelation that surpassed her expectations. The deft movements of Leanne's touch revealed a skillful artistry that Adrielle hadn't anticipated, igniting a newfound appreciation for the young woman.

Leanne became one of her maids over a month ago, and Adrielle quickly took a shine to her. Something about the way she moved, as if she was making one with the air intrigued the princess. She wanted to know more about this mysterious woman that appeared at her doorstep. Of course, the generous curves that shaped her body were a major factor in her interest.

Adrielle admitted that she should be more cautious about who she invites to her royal bedchambers. But she needed an outlet for her tension. After Michael's near death and the anonymous spy roaming the corridors of the palace, the princess had too many worries on her mind. So she allowed the maid to treat her for one night, and one night only.

Her head fell back in ecstasy, leaving Leanne to work her magic. Her eyes, when opened, sparkled with a quiet joy that mirrored the purity of the night snow. A gentle sigh escaped her, a contented exhale that carried with it the fragrance of wildflowers and sun-kissed grass. The moonlight, soft and caressing, kissed the silver surface of the chandelier that hung above their bodies, as if witnessing the woman's secret affair.

The woman's voice, a velvet murmur, teased the edges of her consciousness. "Keep your eyes closed for me, your highness," she whispered, a promise woven with a hint of mischief that sent shivers down Adrielle's spine. Adrielle willingly surrendered to the moment, allowing herself to be carried away by the sensations that enveloped her. However, as she luxuriated in the experience, a nagging realization crept into her consciousness.

From her window's angle, Adrielle noted the moonlight's glow, which couldn't possibly reach the chandelier without encountering a reflective surface first.

A hidden blade perhaps, she thought.

Adrielle rolled to the side of the bed, avoiding the crashing dagger aimed at her heart. But she was too slow. The princess hissed in pain, as her blood spilled on the bed pulsating with unknown power defying the natural laws of gravity. Instead of pooling on the ground, it formed intricate patterns that shimmered and writhed with a life of their own. The once-docile liquid now danced and swirled, as if guided by unseen hands.

The assassin's eyes widened in astonishment at the otherworldly spectacle unfolding before her. Seizing the opportune moment, Adrielle capitalized on the ephemeral shock that held the assassin captive. In a swift motion, Adrielle aimed a well-placed kick, dislodging the weapon from the assassin's hands and sending it spiraling through the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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