Chapter 6

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Sorry for such a late update! ;(

It's all my school's fault for giving me such massive amounts of homework! But don't worry. I will update chapter 7 in 4 days! Anyways, without further ado, enjoy!


Chapter: 6

(Year 2008)

-Junho POV-

I woke up from my sleep hearing a piercing scream.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I shouted worriedly.

"I can't believe in a couple of hours I am going to enter Hotblood," Eunjin dramatically stated.

"I know," I replied back sarcastically.

Abruptly, Eunjin came close to my face. I felt my heart beginning to race.

"You know, I hate it when you are sarcastic! I can't fall asleep. Every time I try to fall asleep, I dream about being caught pretending to be Jungmin. Don't you see how much pressure I am feeling? And here you are being sarcastic when I am trying to talk to you!" Eunjin said furiously.

I could see her eyes starting to water.

"You know, if I had someone else to talk to-"

Before she could finish her sentence I pulled Eunjin into a tight hug.

"Mian" I said with complete sincerity.

Suddenly, Eunjin gently pressed her palms against my chest then forcefully pulled out of the hug.

"YAH!" She said while she whacked me on the head.

Shocked about how the atmosphere turned out to be, I yelled right back at her.

"I was trying to comfort you, and this is what I get? Every time I try to get close to you, you push me away? Why is that?" I kept on rambling not seeing the surprised expression on Eunjin's face. Out of nowhere, I said something that I kept inside me for years. "Yah, do you only see me as a friend?" The second I said that, I wanted to kill myself! Feeling embarrassed like hell, I walked out of the practice room leaving Eunjin dumbfounded.

I went inside the bathroom and locked the door with my heart racing. I wanted to shout and strangle myself that instant. I stood by the sink and opened the faucet and washed my face with cold water. I looked at the mirror and thought to myself, Damn, this wasn't the time to add more stress on her! This stupid mouth of my mine! If onl-

BOOM BOOM BOOM! I heard a loud knocking noise that pulled me out of my train of thought.

"YAH! OPEN THE DOOR!" Eunjin shouted.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. Acting all blunt, I walked past Eunjin. I turned around knowing that she wasn't following me.

"Why are you still standing there?" I said while looking at my watch. "Hurry up and get dressed, or else we are going to be late," I said, trying to act like the incident from 5 minutes ago didn't happen.


-Eunjin POV-

I scratched my head not knowing what to think about the awkward situation. Not knowing what to say, I quickly took my clothes from the practice room and got dressed in the bathroom. I went back to the practice room and saw Junho eating breakfast. He looked at me and tossed me a sandwich.

"Hurry up and eat your food," he said while looking at his phone.

I packed my clothes while stuffing the sandwich in my mouth.

"Junho, you know about this mornin-" He cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Hahahaha" Junho started laughing, looking a bit crazy. "Forget what I said this morning. I must have been half asleep!"Junho then grabbed my dufflebag and made his way out of the practice room. I followed him outside and was slightly confused by his weird behavior.

I laughed to myself wondering what that was all about. Never knew the "serious Junho'' got flustered like that. I jogged up to Junho, seeing that he was about to cross the street.

"Yah wait up," I called out.

After using the subway and a taxi cab, we arrived in front of the JYP building. At the sight of the imposing building, my hands started to sweat. Junho looked at me and realized that I was feeling nervous. He suddenly put his arm around my shoulders and said, "It's show time, Jungmin"

I gave Junho a big hug.

"Thanks for everything" I said while smiling.

"Paboo! You're still a trainee. Thank me later when you actually debut," Junho said, and flicked my forehead. Junho then ran away from me.

"YAH!!" I screamed in pain.

I looked around for Junho and saw his familiar figure. Then I made my way towards him. I started to run after him, grabbed him, and pulled him by his hoodie. Then I punched him in the head!

"That's what you get for flicking me on the forehead! Serves you right!" I said while laughing like crazy.

Suddenly, I heard someone say "Jungmin, hurry up!" I looked up and saw Junho looking a bit agitated by the door. If that was Junho over there, then who was the person that I knocked down to the ground?

"Are you okay? Sorry I mistook you for my friend" I said.

As I tried to reach for the person's arm so I could help him get up, the stranger got up very fast.

"Aish!" The person said frustratingly.

As the person got up, my heart dropped! It was KIM HEECHUL! I started to panic. Why was an SM artist here at JYP?! I quickly apologized and bowed and started walking towards the company.

"Is that all I get? A sorry?" Heechul said arrogantly.

I turned around, losing my patience.

"What do you expect me to do then?" I said angrily.

Grinning, Heechul came toward me. He bent down so we were at the same eye level.

"Where do I remember you from?" He said while smiling evilly.


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Thanks again for taking your time to read this chapter! ^.^

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