chapter 6

31 2 5

 Today was a special day... Today was a day of celebration, a ceremony that every young elf looked forward to. The day to make their elders proud. Today was the day each and every younging became the rightful age of 19. Or so I assume I do not speak elvin after all.

Angel sat amongst his fellow brethren in the woodenlen chapel. It was decorated with an open ceiling and walls. Leaving plenty of space for the leaves of their ancient trees to trickle down and cover each and every inch of the interior of the chapel in lush greenery. It meshed well with the oak. Brown and Green. There were rows of seats on the right and left of the chapple. While the middle was open and a long red rug led up to a brown archway decorated with a variety of flowers. There stood one of the five elders in his gold and white robes.

The males and females were seated and separated. The males on the right side of the chapel and the females on the left. All sitting with perfect posture. It was something Angel was used to seeing. Yet as he took a moment to look over the sea of elves it felt...unsettling in a weird way.

His parents were not here, or brother. However he knew Molly was here somewhere, since they were twins and born in the same year. He didn't know were she was but it brought some level of comfort to him. As far as he knew, none of their families were here. They were too busy. Not allowed to have a break to come and observe this ceremony. The only family that would be present is siblings that happened to be born within the same year as you. Which was rare given their society...No, this ceremony wasn't for them - the families - anyway. It was for him, for him and the other elves. The future of their pride.

Angel glanced over to Travis who sat several rows back. He was looking at the females who seemed nervous themselves. Angel's gaze trailed to that side and he found his eyes meeting Cherries amongst the other girls. He found Molly sitting beside her. She gave her brother a reassuring smile, seeming to notice him. He wondered how. Maybe it was because they were twins. Molly and Cherri, like the rest of the females, were dressed the same. Their hair was down - for once - allowed to be free and draped along their shoulders. They all wore a long white gown that reached to the floor. And lastly each woman wore a flower crown decorated with blue roses.

In comparison the mens clothing were all the same and rather simple. Each wearing a green tunic top and black bottoms and shoes. That was it. Simple.

Molly gave a small wave and then Cherri. Angel smiled, he felt himself relaxing. Cherri always felt like a big sister to him and Molly. He wanted the best for her. He continued to smile and waved back...

He knew deep down she wasn't happy here either. But happiness wasn't a choice. Not here. So at the very least, hopefully Cherri and his sister would be matched with someone good. He hoped.

Clap clap

Angel's ears twitched

Two sharp claps or what sounded like whip cracks came from the front. Everyone's attention immediately went to the front of the chapel. Under the arch. The elder, - the 3rd elder to be exact - stood under it. Yeah he was old, and wrinkly just like the others. And the hair he had was white. But for Angel, out of the five, he liked this one the most. He always seemed to have a warmer touch than the other elders. This elder had a long white beard that extended a little past his chin. He had long hair that reached the bottoms of his ears (like all the males) and although his skin was wrinkled he seemed to still glow with youth somehow. His warm dark brown eyes glanced over all of them. And he smiled.

"Good morning my children." He spoke softly.

"Good morning elder." They all replied in unison.

His smile grew, "welcome my children to a very special day. Today is the day you all become adults. Become the very future of our colony. Our family. Today you will be bonded with your other half, your mate."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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