The bet

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*◦The Bet*◦

No way.Luna said has a Tall,handsome man entered the hospital,uh yes way.Her best friend Meredith Grey said as he walked over to the nurse desk a few feet away from him,I'm thinking Mcsteamy.Luna says proudly as her and Cristina yang gave Meredith’s partner Derek shepherd the nickname Mcdreamy,That’s not funny that’s derek old best friend mark sloan.Yeah i know mer,ten bucks if he sleeps with a intern by the end of our shifts.Meredith says getting the charts from the desk,Extra ten if he ask one of us on a date.Luna says smiling wide,Deal,Deal.They both say going to their patient for the day.

 They stand at the edge of the patient bed waiting for their “boss” of the day they hear a deep voice at the door and they turn their heads to the one and only mark sloan.Oh great.Meredith whispers into Lunas ear.oh shut up,Luna whispers into her ear back.Are yall two ladies going to tell em the charts or are yall just going to stand there gossiping all day? Mark says walking into the room, arms crossed.Oh yeah.Luna says opening the chart.Amy maxwell,24 has a Cleft palate and is getting it fixed today.Luna says reading his chart before giving it to Dr.Mark sloan.Thank you Dr O'connor.You're welcome.She says looking at Mark,Dr.O’connor and Dr.Grey will get you prepped for surgery Amy.Thank you Dr.Sloan,Dr.grey and Dr.O’connor.Amy says while mark walks out of the patient room.He is hot.Amy says to the girls preparing her for surgery.Oh we know.the girls say at the same time.You know i think he likes you Dr.O’conner he must like Brunettes.Amy says,Oh well maybe he does maybe he doesn't let's just get you ready for your surgery amy.Luna says pushing the hospital bed to the OR.ready fo this.Luan and meredith say while pushing the bed to the OR.I been ready for this.Amty says smiling.

She’s all ready. Joel the anesthesiologist says,Good ready Grey and O’conner? mhm.They both say.Okay then O’conner watch her Bp will you.Yes sir.Luna says watching the Bp to make sure it doesn't drop,And done.Mark sloan says after 2 hours of working on Amy.I'll take her back to her room.Meredith says giving luna a look.You do that Dr.Grey.Mark says smiling at Meredith as she leaves with amy's bed going back to Amy's room.So Luna i was wondering can i get your number for work purposes.Mark sloan says smiling.I don't believe you for work purposes but sure its (704) 251-8342.Luna says smiling back at him,Okay fine i was wondering if want to go on a date tomorrow night i don't have any plans that's if you want.mark says checking her out.Okay fine tomorrow night at 10pm i text you the address.Luna says before walking out of the OR.

Meredith, you owe me ten dollars.

for what? Meredith says while they get out of the scrubs into their close.For the bet he asked me out to dinner tomorrow at 10.Luna says putting on her T-shirt.No way,Yes way.Okay fine but you owe me ten dollars if he sleeps with a intern here’s you ten dollars back. Luna says sad before her and Meredith burst out laughing.Okay let's get home before derek blows up your phone.Luna says grabbing the car keys im driving,Okay fine just don't become a maniac this time.Meredith says as they walk out of the locker room.Only if you don't play that sad stuff this time i almost fell asleep.Luna says as they walk to the parking lot to meredith's car,My music isn't sad it's complicated,.Like you.Luna says getting into the driver side of the car.Im not complicated i'm frail.Meredith says getting into the driver side of the car.mhm yeah just keep using your big people words,whatever luna.The drive to Meredith's house was peaceful with small talk here and there.

You have to help me decide what to wear tomorrow night Izzie please.Luna begs her fashion stylist friend,Okay fine but i get to choose everything not just your dress and it's not any of your clothes,we’re the same size in clothes right.Yeah luna says sitting on her bed as Izzie get something out of her own closet.Tada.Izzie says surprising luna with a navy blue dress with small straps that stop right above her knees this will go with your dark blue heels right? Izzie says putting the dress on a hook.yeah,well my work here is done have fun tomorrow night luna don't make dumb desions.Izzie says giving luna a kiss on the cheek before going to her own room.I won't izzie i learned from Meredith.Luna,Luan phone goes off and it’s a text from a unknown number.


Hello this is mark we’re still on for tomorrow right?


Yeah we’re still on.


Good well have a good night love.


You too.

Meredith stops by to say goodnight to everyone and then the house is quiet while everyone is asleep.

835 words

xoxo wren🦇

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