Cinnamon Cookies and Ginger Tea {Miraculous} - 3 Months

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"He was certain

So was I."

*******Marinette got to school early today. While sitting on the stairs by her classroom, she noticed that nearly nobody was there; the only other person she could spot was a janitor sweeping downstairs and taking out garbage bins. She held her sketchbook in her hands and flipped through the pages, thoughtfully analyzing her older designs from the previous years. She cringed and reminisced on the drawings, remembering her inspiration for many of the articles of clothing she made.

It was odd that Marinette would come early to school- in fact, it was odd she made it on time at all. However today, Marinette had come with a task to keep in mind. Eventually, she came across a torn out page in this journal. She felt her heart pull a bit while looking at it, the torn edges reminding her of the day she ripped the design out, where it now lie in the riverbeds of Paris. The memory still affected her, even after mulling over the event time and time again she couldn't help her heart grow stuffy every time it appeared in her head.

No, she couldn't complete her goal today. Yet again she failed to let go of her complicated emotions, and yet again, she couldn't forget...

"Why are you here so early?"

Marinette jumped up and immediately sent a round house kick towards the voice that spooked her. After being jumped so many times from villain attacks, Marinette had gotten used to defending herself in both hero and civilian form. Alya had almost been on the receiving end of her sharp right hook after surprising her with a hug from behind. After the close encounter, Marinette then apologized profusely to her best friend.

When she felt her foot get caught she immediately looked up to assess the situation, only to find a black cat staring amusedly at her. She immediately withdrew her leg and immediately began to apologize to the hero.

"Chat! Oh my god, I didn't mean to attack you! You just snuck up behind me so I thought you might be an akuma. What are you doing here?" Curiosity quickly took over the bluenette and she looked suspiciously at the hero. There had been times where Marinette had suspected that her partner went to her school, however she would be disappointed if he came there in his super hero form, confirming hers or opening up someone else's suspicions. She would hope he'd be smarter than that.

Without giving anything away, the masked male just gave a cheeky grin to the girl and replied in a relax tone, "When I'm bored I patrol the town in the mornings, and I just so happened to see my favorite baker's daughter sitting here so I thought I'd come over and say hello. However I never thought she'd try to assault me. Luckily this guy has cat like reflexes." He said leaning on his staff and pointing at himself with a wink.

Marinette's suspicion relaxed and she sighed in relief. Over time she began to be able to pick up when her teammate was lying and as far as she could tell, he was telling the truth. Marinette was glad that her partner was cautious enough to not make such a risky choice. However Marinette overestimated herself. The boy in question was far more experienced in lying than the bluenette knew.

"So... are you going to answer my question, or did I just risk my my neck for nothing?" Chat said with that goofy grin still plastered to his face. The noticed her sad aura

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