Mutual Motives - Prologue

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*Drop* *Drop* *Drop*

The storm outside was surging as droplets of coffee began filtering into the coffee pot.

There, sitting at the counter was a woman humming in a small, upbeat tune, typing something on a small laptop in the dark room. The woman was in her early twenties with (h/c) hair and average (e/c) colored eyes. However, if you looked closely, you would see how her eyes drooped from fatigue, and her body shivering from the chill in the house. It was odd though, she hadn't recalled it being cold seconds ago.

She had been doing an assignment for the psychology class she was majoring in. The professor had given a ridiculous amount of work that week and she was pulling an all-night-er to finish it. Not to mention that exams were coming up; her stress was running through the roof.

Noticing that it only seemed to be getting colder, she looked up from her laptop and saw an open window near her living room couch, letting in all of the pouring rain and wind.

At this she begins to slightly smile, and goes to get two coffee mugs out of her kitchen cabinet, seeing that the hot beverage beverage was now ready.

"It has been a while, Helen. What? About 4 years since you've last visited?" The woman says in a cheery tone in the seemingly empty house. She starts pouring the two cups of coffee, and goes into her fridge to get milk. To anyone looking at this situation from the outside, they would believe the girl to be crazy, and maybe she was. After all, anyone who dances with the devil has surely lost their mind.

A gruff sound comes from a near wall and the girl turns her head that way to see a tall man with a white mask on. The mask was peculiar though; A smile colored with blood dripping down its frame, and two empty holes played as eyes, always eerily targeted at their prey.

The man doesn't say anything and instead just stares at the woman making coffee in front of him.

"You still like your coffee sweet, right? I think you always brought it to school with extra cream in it." She mumbles off, half talking to her old classmate behind her. She moves her hands in such a carefree way, despite the odd situation that was taking place. It remains silent as she continues to work on the beverages.

Finally, the blue coated boy speaks the single word on his mind.

The woman's smile turned a bit wistful and knowing, like she had expected the question. She sighed.

"There were never that many reasons Helen... Besides, I could ask you the same thing." She said wist pouring sugar into each of the cups.

The man stayed silent, so she decided to continue.

"Besides, I guess you could both call us murderers now. You just happened to make quite the name for yourself, hm?" She reaches out one of the coffee cups and places it in front of him.

With a sigh leaving his body, the man takes off his mask and places in beside him on the counter, still staring at the girl as he takes a sip of his coffee.

He removes the cup from his lips, looking down at its contents and lifts it slightly towards the girl.

"Congrats on that by the way. When I heard the news I had known that you must have had something to do with that freak accident." He cheered her on with a slight twitch of his lips, but never smiling.

She nodded her head and knocked her mug with his and both of them took a sip of their drinks and sat in silence, blue eyes locked with (e/c) eyes.

"So, are you here to kill me?"

The man shakes his head, still drinking his coffee casually.

"Ok then. Make yourself at home, the bandages are upstairs in the bathroom, and you can get a shirt from the guestroom's closet. Now go clean up, you reek of blood."

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