The Fall

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Muriel stood at the back of the crowd of angels and tried to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately, all the other angels were far too busy to listen to the 37th degree recording scrivener.
"It's perfectly all right though," thought Muriel, "They are all important angels with important jobs. I can find out on my own!"
Muriel began weaving through the crowd, making sure to avoid stepping on anyone's robe or tugging any feathers. Muriel also kept their own wings tucked firmly behind them. Eventually they managed to poke their head out of the front of the crowd.

The Metatron stood on a raised dias a few metres in front of them. He kept waving his arms and shouting but it was hard to hear him over the crowd. Eventually he gave up and Miracled the entire group. The noise instantly vanished.

"Now," he said, "I've gathered you all here to discuss some rather unfortunate events." He paused and looked at the angels around him. "There has been talk...of rebellion. Of angels going against the word of God and asking too. Many. Questions." Throughout his entire conversation, The Metatron stayed calm and collected. Never raising his voice above that of a casual conversation.

At his words, Muriel heard conversation start back up as angels discussed what they heard.
"Rebellion!?'' Thought Muriel, shocked. Then they actually though it through. Rebellion. Re - bellion. Re - bell - ion? Did God not want a new bell or something? And what was up with the question thing?

Muriel was so caught up in their thoughts that they missed what Metatron said next. When they looked up again, there was a line of angels being held immobile by a miracle. Muriel was now thoroughly confused. What did this have to do with bells?

Metatron spoke again. "For their crimes against Heaven, God has decreed that these rebels shall ba cast into Hell as demons."

Muriel went cold. Hell was Bad. Really Bad. Demons were also Bad. We're these angels Bad?

A particularly angry looking angel started wriggling, trying to loosen the miracle. When that didn't work, he started yelling at the Metatron. Muriel suddenly recognized him as Lucifer, a really high ranking, important angel. Looking at the rest of the group, Muriel recognized more and more faces. Some of these angels had asked them a question or gave them paperwork just a few decades ago. There, that rather shocked looking red haired one. He helped create the Universe. Muriel remembered signing the form. There was no way these angels were bad. There must be some kind of mistake.
No! Pull your self together. Heaven does not make mistakes. This is what God wants.

They put the whole situation out of there mind.

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