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In a different room we can see a man wearing a Huwai shirt and a pair of Flip-flop[Sliper in short :)].

Azathoth:Hey readers whats up,Huh you miss me gzzzz dont be like that.As you can see I' m in a different theature hall to make my own reaction.

WHY YOU SAY! you see that Author rascal wants all the spotlight for himself and make me an NPC in his show and i won't let that happen so after he summoned all the Tensura cast i sneek away and here i am making my own reaction show.

Azathoth:Hmm...Let's see who should i summon💡I know lets summon The JJK Characters.

Azathoth:*Ahem.. lets get started shall we [FICTION SUMMONING]


All:Huh?Where are we!

Gojo:A theatre hall huh!

Suguru:Seems so....

Sukuna:Bratt is this your doing....

Azathoth:Hoo yap its me your one and only Azathoth.

All:Waht a stupid name is that....

Azathoth:Huh did you say something 💢💢

Sukuna:Tch who are you and how did we came here?


Azathoth:I summoned you guys here to react to the worlds strongest curse.....

Sukuna:So its about m-

Azathith:no its not about you!


Gojo:Hoo someone stronger that the King of curses huh interesting....

Suguru:you should be worried Satoru we might face problems in the future....

Gojo:No worries Suguru will exorcist all the curses....

Sukuna:yaa yaa go with your stupid fantasy of yours😒

Gojo:Huh are you picking a fight 4 eye....

Sukuna:Huh what did you just call me bratt....

Azathoth:both of you shut up and lets start.....


Azathoth:Ohh and yaa before we start let's first react to Sukuna vs Noir if you know......

Sukuna:(What him why why i still remember that day and it still scares me to my core)

Gojo:(Fufufu this Noir guy seems interesting it even madw Sukuna flinch....)

Azathoth:Ok let's start......

A log yime ago during the 'Golden Age of sorcerry',There was a man who was known as 'The King of Curses'His name was-

Gojo:Ryoman Sukuna bla bla bla....

Azathoth:Oii just keep quiet and watch the video💢


*Ahem*Where was i,Ahh yes 'The king of curses'His name was Ryoman Sukuna,he was feared by many sorcerer's and the one's who tried to stop him were all slottered but oneday as sukuna was doing his regular Work(Killing people)He came across a very interesting person or should I say his worst encounter?.

"Fufufufu what do we have here"Says the unknown man.

"Hmmm you dont look or smell like human are you a curse spirit?"Asked Sukuna with an intersing look on his face.

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