chapter 7

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Felix arrived home after spending the day with George, feeling a mix of exhaustion and elation.

His mother, ever curious, flooded him with questions the moment he stepped through the door.

"Who's he?" his mother inquired.

Felix, slightly confused, asked, "Who's who?"

"The person you went to the park with," his mother clarified.

Felix groaned, "Again with the questions."

"You were at the park for almost the whole day. So who is he?" persisted Felix's mother.

Felix smiled, dismissing the inquiry, "Mom, it's no one seriously."

His mother hummed, "If you say so. I'll take your word for it."

Felix smiled, appreciating his mother's caring nature. She shook her head, adding, "But I hope you know that, no matter whom you choose to love, I will always love.

No matter who you choose to be, I will always be there for you."

Felix looked at his mother, feeling grateful for her understanding and support. "I know, Mom."

His mother hugged him, expressing her unconditional love. Felix hugged her back, feeling the warmth of her embrace.

Breaking the hug, Felix mentioned, "Mom, I gotta get to my room."

"Oh, I forgot myself. Yeah, go on," she playfully hit Felix's butt.

Felix smiled and ran to his room, his mother calling after him, "Tell the park person I said hi!"

Felix shouted back, "I will... uhh, I mean, I wasn't there with anyone."

His mother giggled, and Felix leaped onto his bed, arms spread wide.

In the silence of his room, he took a deep breath and smiled, reflecting on the moments shared with George.

The memory of their tree-climbing adventure echoed in his mind, especially the words George had spoken.

"Just like you."

Felix blushed, using the sheets to cover his face, savoring the warmth of that moment.

After wiggling and moving his legs in all directions possible,
Felix sat up, panting "Fuck, I forgot how heavy my covers were.

I nearly passed out"


Monday arrived unexpectedly, and once again, Felix found himself in a race against time to catch the bus.

On the school bus, Yvonne argued, "It's so simple. Just get up at 6:30 am or even 7 pm.

Get prepared and wait for the bus. Waiting for you every day is getting pretty annoying."

Felix rolled his eyes, "6:30 am? Am I a bird? I can't wait up at that time; I need my beauty sleep.

Do you think all this just happens?" Felix theatrically pointed to his face.

Yvonne sighed and laid back in her seat.

Felix noticed Luke and Bans bullying Theo again. Yvonne glanced at Felix. Smirking, he said, "I know, let it go."

Yvonne patted his back, "Atta boy."

Felix pouted, "I'm not a dog."

Soon, the bus reached the school, and all the students disembarked.

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