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i look at myself once i step out of the shower and examine my body, im kind of short standing at only 5'2, i have stretch marks along my upper thigh, my boobs and butt poked out, i examined my face; thankful for proactive, one eye was bigger than the other, my lips were kind of chapped, my eyebrows bushy, i look at my hair, split ends i need to take care of. i sigh and dry myself off, i pull my hair into a ponytail and walk over to my closet almost tripping over my black converse, "i was looking for those," i thought out loud. i put on my plain black underwear, pulling out my black leggings and put on a undershirt, i put on my school hoodie that fell over my butt and going to my mid thigh. i grab my book bag and start down the steps. i eat my apple, and back up stairs to brush my teeth.


i walk down the halls to my locker and see this guy luke, just my luck yeah? i silently walk over and stand in front of him, hoping hed get the hint to move. he looks down at me and step closer, standing over me like hes some fucking giant. i stare at him refusing to loose this staring challenge that i mentally set up. he blinks; "ohh, you win again." he walks away. what is life? i unlock my locker and shove my book bag in, "hey, im calum." i hear a voice hear behind me. i turn around, "i know who you are, i mean who doesnt." im kind of taken by surprise by my overly confident voice. "oh, so you like actually talk?" i ignore him and start walking, can he not? "you know out all these years of seeing you around, ive never heard you talk not even to answer a question an answer in class. you know your voice is kind of deep for a girl." i sigh and roll my eyes, i stop automatically and turn to look at him, "the only reason i never answered a question is because i never really paid attention and still dont. and why are you talking to me? like youre like popular and 'not suppose to talk to the actual basics' you know your suppose to talk to girls like charlotte. you know the girls that think theyre so ugly but literally have every guy drooling after them." i finish and start back walking, "woah dude whats with the speech?" calum looks me up and down, i shrug my shoulders, "i have strong opinions." and with that i speed walk nearly tripping over other students to my class.

ight that was chapter one or whatever i know its like short or whatever but im not putting this book out till i finish it so yeah.
and i dont like change points of views in one chapter i stick wit one point of view on each chapter, yrahhhhhhdjdjdj

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