☆chapter 3☆

4 1 15

denoting or relating to euphony; pleasing to the ear.
A few nights ago I met Mina's band members, which was really fun. We all went to Mina's house and when we woke up I talked to everyone even more. I got closer with everyone- even Bakugo... Well barely... but it's progress!

I'm obviously closest with Mina, but other than her I got to become better friends with Kirishima and Sero since they woke up at the same time as me and we immediately clicked. Jirou too, she was a bit more quiet than them.

That was good, everything was good. I got home and spent the last few days with Eden. Everything was perfect until a few minutes ago...

The worst, most horrifying thing ever happened to me... I got my dreaded period... anyway! My cramps are usually average or bad but today they are HORRENDOUS. But here's the worst thing, I only have a few pads. Normally that would suck but it wouldn't matter because I could just go get more.

I would go and get some but my cramps are actually crazy. To the point I don't trust myself in a car. Who would want to die from a car accident? Let alone while being on your period!?

I'm probably being over dramatic because of my period but I still want to be safe.

An idea pops up in my head. I'll just call someone and ask if they can get me some pads. Hah I'm so smart.

I call a few different people. Eden doesn't pick up, Nate doesn't pick up. I didn't call Amia because I know she's training in basketball for the next few hours. I call Mina and she doesn't answer!? That's crazy because Mina always answers, because she always has her phone. I call some other friends like Addy, Tiala, even Jirou. None of them pick up.

It hits me that a lot of people were probably at work right now but that doesn't matter. I'm starting to get so desperate that I call some of my other guy friends. Lachie doesn't pick up, Baxter doesn't pick up either. To be fair they're probably training with Amia. I don't call Kai because he's currently in a different state. I call Sero. He picks up! He can't go anywhere because he's currently with family. Denki and Kirishima are in the middle of a game and said they can if I run out of people to call once they finish their game. I hesitantly call Bakugo.

Ring ring, ring ring. "Hello?" A deep voice says.

My phone rings. 'Ugh' "hello?" I speak, holding my phone to my ear. "Uh hey Bakugo. It's me Y/N-" "-I know, I have your contact saved." I state. "Shh, I have a big favour to ask..." she says nervously. "What." I grumble. "Ok so basically my morning was really good but then recently my life became a nightma-" she rambles. "Get to the fucking point" I groan. "Alright umm, I basically got my period and I need you to get me some pads." She says quickly.

I sigh loudly "why can't you?" "Because my cramps hurt really bad and I have a headache and I don't trust myself to drive and I'm getting stressed because no one is picking up and now I'm emotional and embarrassed a-" her voice cracks a little. "I swear if you say 'and' one more time I'm going to lose it. I'll get you the pads or whatever, text me your address." I groan before hanging up.

'Fucking hell, Girls can be a pain.' I think, hopping in my car. Her voice cracked while she was talking. She was either about to cry or just had a voice crack. They say girls are emotional naturally but even more so when they are on their period. So she was probably about to cry.

When I finally do arrive at the shop, I walk to the aisle with woman's products. I scan the options carefully. 'Okay Katsuki think back to when you learned about this stuff' after a bit more contemplating for much longer than I should've I decide on getting 2 packs of pads, the first one were the ones with wings, and the second was also wings but they were nighttime ones. The brand was Libra, because they had the least shitty design so they were obviously the best.

I go the snack section and grab some hot chips for me and then think of something for Y/N. Most girls want chocolate when they have their period right? I grab some chocolate and a bag of plain chips. I also grab some Panadol before paying for my stuff. I check my phone to see where she lives and put her address into my gps. A few minutes of driving later, I arrive at her house and knock on her door.

I walk to my door and open it. "Hey Bakugo" I say with a small smile. "Dumbass" he acknowledges me, before welcoming himself inside my house and setting down the grocery bag.

"Since you're on your shitty period I got you pads, I don't know if the ones I got are good because there are way too many types." He says, surprisingly calm. "Fair enough, thank you." I say with a smile. "I'm not finished yet" he glares at me "You seemed in pain so I got you Panadol because I'm the best. If you don't like Panadol then suck it up." He states causing me to laugh a little and for him to glare at me. "Shut up. I got myself some spicy chips because I'm the coolest, and I also got you some chocolate and plain chips." He finally finishes. "Thank you Bakugo, this means a lot."

"I said shut up" he says, tossing pads at me and turning away. I wonder why. Does he hate me that much? Before I can continue that train of thought a cramp distracts me.

"Why the fuck do you look constipated" he asks, we'll more demands. "Sorry my cramps are annoying me right now. You can leave if you want" I say with a apologetic smile.

"Tch. You obviously can't take care of yourself so I'll spend the night" he says, looking away again. "What? No I can't make you do that!" "Your not 'making me' stay the night. I chose to." "I can't let you stay the night just to make sure I'm okay" I insist. "Y/N shut the fuck up. I AM staying the night."

I try to think of a way to retaliate and something clicks in my head.

"Wow first name basis already Katsuki?"


Ahhh another chapter done and dusted.


Also I know things are moving kind of fast but I have no clue how to properly write books/stories so uhhh yeah

Oh and I know you have a lot of friends. I just want to have a lot of people incase I need it later in the story. If you want a chapter about the information about Tiala, Lachie and a few others just tell me and I'll try and make one!!

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