home sweet home

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Our beloved fit perfect in my arms. Her body heat radiated through my clothes into my skin as I held her against my chest. I loved the feeling of her body pressed against mine. I buried my nose in her fluffy curly hair. The scent of lavender and honey in her hair hit my noise. Her hair smelled good, and her skin also let off a lavender scent that was relaxing.

"Warren will she be alright going through the portal?" my brother asked looking down at our beloved with worry.

"Since she is our mate she should be fine to travel through the portal. It might make her nauseous a little when she wakes up, but it shouldn't do any harm to her" I answered him as I rubbed my cheek against her hair. It was so soft and sat wildly on her head.

Yarran open the portal as the police finally breaks into her room. I looked back at them as we step into the portal as they yell for us to stop. They tried to run at us, but the portal closed before they could reach us.

We crossed over through the veil of our world that brought us to the edge of the forest. We were still cloaked by the looming trees, but we weren't but a mile or so from the carriage that would take us to the castle. We had to walk a little until we were out of the forest as the black carriage with a blood red embroidery on the outside. There three hell hounds on the front that pulled the carriage.

Hell wasn't like earth that was full on technology. It was more designed like the old earth where everything was one with nature except we did decide to adopt modern day plumbing. Hell has all four seasons; it isn't like what the puny humans described it as. We did have purgatory but that was for those who did the worst crimes imaginable. We a=had some decorum and wasn't all hell fire and death.

"Home Dex" I said to the leader of the pack.

I passed our beloved to yarran as I climbed into the carriage as it the hell hounds set off to take us home. They were intelligent and didn't need to be told where to go. All I had to do was tell them where I wanted to go, and they would obey.

We traveled through the black paved roads of Grilona, the grim city. Despite its name it was a bustling with life and people litter the streets. There was mixture of demons, succubus, werewolves, warlocks., etc. They bowed as the carriage rolled through the town and went back to what they were doing. People spilled out of the taverns and shops. The women had bundles of fabric and various other things while the men trailed behind them some with kids and some with none.

I looked over at our beloved who let out a small snore that was so cute and snuggle more into Yarran's chest. I reached over and stroke her hair making her wrinkle her nose up and move her head away from my hand.

As we rolled through the town we came upon the road that leads to our home. It was a whining road that was shrouded in tree that made the road to home dark. After about 15 minute we pulled up to the castle and a guard opened the door and Yarran passed our beloved to me as he climbed out of the car.

Our mother ran out of there door with her blood red dress flowing and our father trailing behind her. She came over and threw her arms around Yarran face checking to make sure that he is okay. He swatted her hand away making her roll her eyes at him popping her lips. She came over to me but stopped in her tracks and stared wide-eyed at our beloved in my arms.

A smile slowly crept on her face as she came over and scanned our mate from head to toe. She squealed and danced in excitement as I cover our beloved ears from the high pitch.

"I can't believe you guys found your beloved" mother said smiling with her hands covering her mouth.

Our father stood behind our mother as he peered over her as he got a look at our mate. I watched as her took in her beauty and appreciated it as he nodded his head in approval. He looked up and gave me a thumbs up in approval. That was all we ever got out our father when he was proud of us. I have never heard her verbally give out a compliment to anyone but our mother.

My father pulled our mother into the house with us trailing behind them. She was talking a mile a minute at how she had decorated a room for her and how she should start decorating for a nursery for when her grandchildren arrive. I just shook my head at her excitement. We all walked to the room that our mother had set up and placed our beloved on the bed.

The room was decorated in ruby and black almost identical to her room at her house. I knew she was going to love it, but I just don't know how much she was going to love being here since she could no longer leave. 

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