Almost got away

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My heart flutter at the smile she gives us, but nothing would prepare me for her to suddenly have her hands around my throat. She yelled and screamed as she choked me as warren tried to get her off me. which made me let me go and jump on warren as she clasped her hands around his neck.

I caught my breath then wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her off him. I yanked her off him making her bring his neck with her. She had a death grip on his neck as he pried her fingers from his neck. She called us every name and slur that she could think of as she turned to me and started punching and kicking me.

I held on to her hips firmly and let her take out her anger on me until she hit me in my eye causing me to drop her. She fell to the floor and quickly got up and ran to the door as she threw it open and ran out.

She had a hell of a right hook as the pain radiated in my right eye. My eye watered making it blurry as I tried to open my eyes. Warren was lend over holding his junk because she had kicked him on the way out. Our parents sat there and watched the whole things with smiles on their faces.

"You guys might want to go after your mate before she makes it out the door" father said as he held our mother laughing.

I glared at him in annoyance because there wasn't anything funny about our situation. Our mate has beat us up and now is she is trying to flee. I wipe the water from my eye and raced after her. I ran through the hallway with Warren behind me. Excitement took over as we chased out beloved through the castle. I could hear feet hit the floor at lightening if didn't know any better I would say that she was anything but human at how fast she was moving.

The servants that were coming out the room froze in shock seeing us run through the hallways. "Mia you can't go anywhere so you might as well stop running" I called out behind her. She threw a "fuck you" over her shoulder as she didn't falter her steps. A servant that had a handful of clothes was walking out of the room and as Mia passed by the threw them behind her to stop us in our tracks.

But it didn't work as the clothes simply fell and the servant step back into the room to get out of our way. I could hear Mia's racing heart and the labored breath as she ran getting tired from the nonstop chase.

"Beloved please just stop and talk to us. You are going to tire yourself out" Warren pleaded as we gained on her. She just continues to run too tired to cuss us out. She had it to the stairs. She let out a shriek and flew down the stairs falling when she got to the bottom. I called out her name in panic that she had hurt herself, but she instantly got up and ran towards the door.

We looked at each other in shock out that she didn't hurt herself. We jumped from the top of the stairs to the bottom as we were now done with this cat and mouse game. We reached her in an instant as she was trying to open the door. I threw her over my shoulder as we took her back to her room.

She pounded on my back as kept asking us me to let her go but what she doesn't realize is that she is stuck with us. I don't care if she didn't believe us or not she wasn't going anywhere, and we weren't going to let her go. She bit me on my shoulder making me wince. I slapped her on her ass causing her to yelp. She put her hand on her ass like it was going to stop from spanking her. She was cute for trying but not even her could stop me from getting to her.

We walked back into her room to see our father and mother still sitting in the same position we left them in. Except this time their face was full of amusement instead of full-blown laughter. I place her in her chair and we back to our seats as she tried to head for the door again. "You can't leave this room since the door is locked" Warren said as she twists and jiggles the door handle. She finally gave up and stomped her way back over to her seat, sitting down with a humph.

"Now are you ready to talk?" I asked sitting back in my chair mimicking her as I crossed my arms.

"What more is there to talk about. You think you are a demon, and I am your mate and I have no chance of getting out of here"

"Both of those things are true we are not letting you go, and you are our mate" I said.

"Beloved and our queen to be exact" Warren said.

"Do you hear your children talking nonsense?" She asked as she turned towards our parents. They look at us then back at her before they slowly nod their head in agreement. She looks astonished by their acceptance which it wasn't like they weren't demons themselves.

"All of y'all are crazy" she exclaimed throwing up her hand in defeat.

"No darling we are not" My mother said as she reaches over to take Mia's hand in hers. I could see the muscles in her arms twitch as she desperately wanted to pull her hand out of her grasp. But her respect for elders outweighs her discomfort.

"So, you mean to tell me that I with a family full of demons right now?" Mia asked looking between all of us.

"Yes but it isn't like you think. Most humans depict demons to be this vile. creature but most of the time they don't even know that they are in the presence of one. Most born demons don't really care about humans or their souls. They live their life like any other supernatural or human creature. The one you really have to worry about is humans that turn into demons." Father chimed in.


"Because they are the only ones who can possess another human being. They also have previous memories of their old lives which ultimately makes them want to relive their live or cause chaos in the human world. Regular demons can be just as menacing and chaotic but that is very far in between. Most demons are satisfied with their life because it is all they know but humans not so much. " Father said.

"Wow you guys really do have it all figured out" Mia responded.

"Yes darling after all I am the king of Hell I should know who resides in it" Father said giving her a smile.



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