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           With unwavering resolve, Amory refused to be daunted by the soldier's sudden disappearance. The chilly night air nipped at her cheeks as she ventured into the shadows, her movements calculated and silent as she navigated the maze of buildings.

The soldier's elusive footsteps left faint imprints in the snow, guiding Amory like breadcrumbs through the winding alleyways. Each step fueled her growing frustration—a mix of anger and determination at the audacity of her fleeing adversary.

The pursuit took her through deserted corridors, the silence broken only by the soft crunch of snow beneath her boots. Every twist and turn heightened the tension, as Amory remained hot on the trail of the one who dared to evade her grasp.

Suddenly, the soldier materialized before her, his presence a jolt of adrenaline. Before Amory could react, his fist collided with her face, sending a shockwave of pain reverberating through her skull. Darkness crept into the edges of her vision as she crumpled to the ground, the cold concrete a harsh reminder of her vulnerability.

As consciousness slipped away, she felt her body falling onto the cold snow.

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       Amory woke up feeling a throbbing pain in her head, as if someone were drumming on it. The room around her was plain and empty, without any windows to let in light. It felt like being trapped inside a box made of hard walls. The air smelled musty, like it hadn't been freshened in ages.

She noticed she was lying on a cold bed, but what made her angrier was the chains around her wrists. They gripped her tightly, making her feel trapped and vulnerable. The room seemed to close in on her, making her feel even more trapped.

Memories of what had happened came flooding back—chasing the soldier through the snowy alleys, then suddenly everything went dark. How could she let herself be captured like this? Anger surged through her, pushing her to fight against the chains binding her.

She pulled and tugged, trying to break free, but the chains held firm. The room felt suffocating, with no windows and only the sound of dripping water in the background. It was like being stuck in a nightmare.

Amory refused to give in to the feeling of helplessness. Despite being trapped, she was determined to find a way out. The soldier may have caught her this time, but she wouldn't stay trapped for long.

Her frustration swelled within her like a tempest, an untamed force threatening to breach the confines of her stoicism. The metallic clang of chains echoed her struggle, each strained pull a testament to the defiance that burned within her. But as the intensity of her emotions reached a crescendo, something completely unexpected.

A sudden chill swept through the room, a breath of frost that seemed to defy the logic of confinement. The chains, once rigid and unyielding, groaned as if succumbing to the frigid embrace of an unseen force. Amory's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening as the chains froze before her eyes. Ice crept along the links, encasing them in a crystalline sheath that defied explanation.

Panic flickered in Amory's gaze. This couldn't be her doing, could it? The revelation of powers beyond the realm of her understanding sent shivers down her spine. The room, already cloaked in an eerie silence, now held the weight of newfound possibilities and uncertainties.

As the chains froze, Amory panted, her breath visible in the frosty air. She cautiously flexed her wrists, half-expecting the illusion of freedom to shatter before her. But the ice held firm, a manifestation of forces she had yet to comprehend.

Her mind raced, grappling with the implications of this unexplained power. A surge of realization struck her—a dormant ability, hidden beneath layers of conditioning, had unfurled in a moment of intense emotion. The paradox of her existence, the assassin with the power of ice, played out in the frost-coated chains that bound her.

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