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            As they entered an expansive room, Amory's eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. The space was vast, with high ceilings that seemed to stretch into infinity. Large windows lined one wall, allowing natural light to flood the room and illuminate the various training equipment scattered about. Dumbbells of various sizes sat neatly arranged on racks, while resistance bands hung from hooks on the walls. In one corner, a row of punching bags swayed gently, their rhythmic movements creating a hypnotic effect.

Amidst the amount of equipment all over th room, people moved with purpose, their muscles rippling with exertion as they engaged in various forms of strength training. Some lifted weights with precision and focus, their movements fluid and controlled. Others grappled with resistance bands, their bodies straining against the tension as they worked to build strength and endurance.In the center of the room, a large fighting mat beckoned invitingly, its surface pristine and unblemished. Amory's gaze lingered on the mat, a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins. She couldn't help but imagine herself facing off against Kenji, their bodies locked in a fierce battle for supremacy.

The idea of sparring with him on the mat ignited a fire within her, fueling her determination to prove herself and assert her dominance. She flexed her fingers, the urge to test her skills against his almost overwhelming. But she pushed the thought aside for now, knowing that their training session awaited and there would be plenty of time for challenges later.

As Amory turned, she found Kenji's gaze already fixed on her. "I know you're itching for a showdown, but that's going to have to wait," he stated matter-of-factly with a smirk, eliciting an annoyed sigh from Amory. "Not that I wouldn't find it amusing to see you try and pin me down."

His arrogance grated on her nerves. If she had displayed even a fraction of that attitude during her training days, she would have been swiftly disciplined, if not outright punished. She was trained to be a weapon, expected to behave with discipline and maturity beyond her years. Amory couldn't be seen acting like a child. Even though she used to be just that.

Amory's irritation simmered beneath the surface, but she maintained a steely composure, refusing to let Kenji's taunts get to her. With a flicker of defiance in her eyes, she met his gaze head-on. "Oh, you're funny," Amory said, her words dripping with sarcasm. Though, despite the attempt at humor, her expression remained stoic, betraying none of the amusement that Kenji seemed to expect. "But let's not forget, you had to resort to invisibility to win our fight yesterday."

Kenji chuckled, undeterred by her lack of amusement. "Hey, a win's a win," he replied with a shrug, flashing her a cocky grin. "Besides, it's not my fault you couldn't keep up."

Amory narrowed her eyes, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. "Is that so?" she retorted, her tone laced with challenge. "I guess we'll just have to see who comes out on top next time, won't we?"

With that, she turned on her heel and strode away and leaned against the wall far away from him, leaving Kenji to ponder her words.

 ≪ °✾° ≫ 

As Amory watched the men and women go through their training routine for what felt like an eternity, a sense of restlessness crept over her. Despite their efforts, she found herself growing increasingly bored, her mind wandering to the countless scenarios where she could easily best them in combat. Without her supernatural abilities, they seemed like mere amateurs in comparison. Pathetic, really.

"You planning on joining us anytime soon, or are you content to just stand there and watch?" Kenji's voice cut through the monotony, breaking the silence of the training room. Amory didn't bother dignifying his question with a response. After all, actions spoke louder than words.

However, before she could retreat into her thoughts once more, Kenji was suddenly beside her, his proximity sending alarm bells ringing in her mind. Instinctively, she took a step back, her hand reaching for the comforting weight of her blade—only to find it conspicuously absent. They had confiscated her weapon, deeming her too much of a risk until she proved her loyalty. A fact she had no intention of proving anytime soon.

Kenji's grin widened as he gestured towards a training dummy. "Come on, Elsa. Let's see what you've got," he taunted, the challenge evident in his tone. A few curious onlookers had gathered, their cautious gazes fixed on Amory as if expecting her to lash out at any moment.

The girl shook her head incredulously. Did he really think she was some novice in need of practice? "No," she retorted sharply, her voice laced with disdain. "I won't waste my time fighting an inanimate object. That's beneath me."

With a dismissive flick of her hand, she indicated the sparring mat nearby. "If you want a fight, it'll be on that," she declared, her eyes narrowing in defiance as she met Kenji's gaze head-on. His expression betrayed a flicker of interest, the challenge clearly piquing his curiosity.

"I meant for you to train your snow powers. Or ice powers. Whatever you've got. That's why you need to practice them, so we can figure out what you're capable of," Kenji explained, his expression shifting as he considered her suggestion. "Okay, how about this... you and I have a fight. Just once. But you have to promise not to kill me, of course. Then you can unleash your ice powers on the dummy."

Amory felt a surge of frustration bubbling within her. She wanted nothing more than to lash out at him, to unleash her pent-up aggression in a flurry of blows. But she knew that wouldn't be wise—not in this place, not at this moment.

With a deep breath, she reluctantly agreed. "Fine."

It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, but at least she would get the chance to showcase her abilities. And perhaps, in the process, she could finally put Kenji in his place.

Amory and Kenji stepped onto the sparring mat, their movements fluid and ready for combat. The gathered onlookers watched with intrigue as the two fighters squared off, anticipation hanging thick in the air. With a nod of acknowledgment, they braced themselves for the impending clash, ready to prove their prowess in battle.

Amory wasted no time as she landed the first punch, her fist connecting with Kenji's side with precision. The crowd gasped in surprise as Kenji recoiled from the blow, his expression a mix of shock and determination.

In retaliation, he swung at her, but she deftly dodged his fist with a swift sidestep, her movements fluid and calculated. The spectators watched in awe as the two fighters danced around each other, each anticipating the other's next move with razor-sharp focus.

As the sparring continued, Kenji couldn't resist the urge to crack a few sarcastic jokes, hoping to throw Amory off her game. "I expected more from the Supreme Commander's White Raven," he taunted with a smirk, his words laced with thinly veiled mockery.

Amory's jaw clenched in annoyance, but she remained focused, determined not to let Kenji's jibes distract her. However, his words began to chip away at her concentration, planting seeds of doubt in her mind.

In a moment of vulnerability, her guard slipped, and Kenji seized the opportunity to strike. His fist connected with her jaw, sending a jolt of pain coursing through her. Anger flared within Amory as she staggered backward, her resolve hardening with each passing second.

"I've only been called that name by people who fear me," Amory hissed, her voice laced with a mixture of defiance and bitterness. She wiped the blood from her lips with the back of her hand, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination that belied the pain she felt.

The crowd's cheers fell suddenly silent.

Kenji simply shrugged in response to Amory's menacing advance, his nonchalant demeanor belying the tension crackling in the air. As she took a step closer, his gaze remained steady, unwavering in the face of her fury.

"Guess I'm the first one to call you that who finds you weak and nothing more than a mad child," he remarked casually, his words dripping with contempt. Despite the gravity of the situation, Kenji's tone remained infuriatingly indifferent, as if he were merely commenting on the weather.Amory's nostrils flared with anger, her fists clenched at her sides as she struggled to contain the seething rage bubbling within her. The insult struck a nerve, digging deep into her psyche and stoking the flames of her indignation.

As Amory approached him slowly, her eyes narrowed with determination, Kenji attempted to land a punch, hoping to catch her off guard. But to his surprise, she moved with lightning speed, intercepting his fist mid-air with a swift, fluid motion.

The crowd watched in astonishment as Amory's hand closed around Kenji's clenched fist, her grip firm and unyielding. With a steely gaze, she held his for a moment, a silent challenge passing between them.

Then, without hesitation, she delivered a punishing blow of her own, her fist connecting with Kenji's jaw with a force that sent him staggering backward. The impact reverberated through the room, the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing like a gunshot in the silence.

For a moment, Kenji stood there, stunned by the ferocity of the blow. His eyes widened in disbelief as he stumbled backward, his hand instinctively reaching up to cradle his throbbing jaw.

As their eyes locked in a fierce gaze, Amory couldn't help but notice something in Kenji's expression that caught her off guard. There was a flicker of emotion there, something she couldn't quite decipher. And then, she glimpsed a hint of something unexpected in his eyes. It was a look she hadn't anticipated—a mixture of admiration and respect, tinged with a hint of awe.

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I'm sorry that it takes me so long to work on a chapter but I'm also writing on another fanfiction and my own book, so it's a bit stressful for me. But I'm trying my best! :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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