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Life as a duck is interesting to say the least.
There is always so much to do! At any moment, you can quack at people, quack at other ducks, eat something, flap around a bit, or poop! Then again, I've never been anything else before.

For as long as I can remember, I have lived in what is commonly referred to as That Pond Over There With The Lily Pads. It's a lot easier to say in Duckish. There are three other duck families living here with me: Duck With Brown Spotted Feathers and his mate Cool Twisted Feather, Long Legs and her chicks, and That Weird Duck Family From The Other Side Of The Pond.
As I said before, names are easier in Duckish.

The three families lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Ducks attacked....

No, just kidding.


Life is good.

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