Season 1 Ep. 7: Mother

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TW: Talk of Abvse

Aizawa watched the teen from outside of the interrogation room. The boy had barely moved in the past hour.

When he tried asking some simple questions, like "What's your name?" and "How old are you?", he was only met with silence. Aizawa had to rely on Midoriya for those answers. His claim was:

The blonde's name was Bakugou Katuski. He had bullied Mydoria as a kid and yet the problem child still cared for him. Figures. Bakugou had apparently been killed in some accident years ago, but here the same kid was, supposedly, sitting in the interrogation room, staring blankly at the ground.

Nevertheless, whatever had happened to this boy, he was still a villian, he had still committed crimes. He couldn't get away unscathed. But the matter at hand now, was to contact his parents.

With a phone number from Midoriya, Aizawa dialed his phone and held the device to his ear.

"Hello?" A voice answered.

"Hello. My name is Shota Aizawa, is this Mitsuki Bakugo?"

"This is she."

"I'm calling to inform you that we have arrested your son for multiple crimes, ma'am. Including robbery, assau-"


"Yes ma'am. One of my students seems to have been close with him as a child. He told me your son had been reported dead a few years ago... Whether this boy is your son or not, would you be willing to come down to the police station to at least see if he is? I realize this may be shocking information, considering the circumstanc-"

"I'll come down.. immediately."

"Alright, thank you ve-"

Mrs. Bakugo hung up. Aizawa sighed, looking into the investigation room's window again. Might as well tell the kid.

Opening the door, the black haired man stepped into the room. "I thought you might like to know, we've gotten ahold of your mother, and she's on her way to see you."

At the word mother, the kid tensed up. Other than that, he stayed silent. Aizawa tilted his head before sighing and leaving the room. What was up with this kid? One moment he's acting like every other insane villain, the next he seems like a scared kid, and now he's just shut down.

"What happened to you?" Aizawa thought aloud as he crossed his arms, watching the kid through the interrogation room window.

Only 10 minutes later, a blond woman walked into the police station. Aizawa was notified and soon went out to meet the woman.

"I assume you're Mitsuki?"

She nodded, looking.. nervous. If you hadn't seen your child for years, that made a bit of sense. Aizawa led Mitsuki into the interrogation room, assuring her he would be right outside. That plan was quickly derailed as his phone lit up with a text message from Midoriya, stating Denki had short circutted the dorm's power system, and the entire dorm may have lost power. Watching a mother and son talk was overrated anyways.

Katsuki kept his head down as Mitsuki just stood there, staring at him. Staring at the one she'd abandoned. The silence continued for what felt like decades until Mitsuki spoke up.

"I see you survived."

Katsuki stayed quiet.

"I'm glad I didn't raise a weak child."

The blonde boy fidgeted in his handcuffs.

"You could at least acknowledge me, your mother. In case you've forgotten, I'm the one you raised you."

He clenched his teeth.

"Do you hear me? Did that quirk of yours' finally blow your ear drum? I always told you to not be reckless but here we are, my son in handcuffs, a dirty villain. Where did I go wrong?" Mitsuki crossed her arms, turning to the side.

"You went wrong when you threw me out of the house." Katsuki finally spoke, his head still turned down.

"Look at me when you talk to me!" Mitsuki commanded, grabbing her son's chin and forcing his face up. She gasped at the sight of his scars and wounds, as if she couldn't believe what had become of her child. Katsuki stared at her with cold eyes.

"What did you do to your face?" She wailed, dropping to her knees in front of Katsuki.

"I didn't cut my face, mom.."

"So you fought someone?" Mitsuki looked up, an angry look in her eyes. "I didn't raise a villain, what did you do?!"

"I survived." Katsuki snapped, staring at this woman with a mixture of hurt and sadness no one should ever see.

Mitsuki looked taken aback, as if this was the first time she'd ever considered her actions as anything less than necessary. After a moment, she sighed. "I'm sorry."

Katsuki hated the rage that flared inside of him. "Sorry? Sorry?? You threw me to the streets!" The blonde boy's chair clattered to the ground as he stood. "You abused me, mom! You wanted me to be perfect, I can't be perfect! You ask what I've done, what about you? You forced me into this life, I would've died if I didn't become this!" He yelled.

The door to the interrogation room slammed open as Aizawa and a Police Officer came rushing in, grabbing Katsuki and holding him back. Mitsuki, still on the floor, looked up at her son with genuine shock.

"It's better this way too! I'm not getting beaten every time I come home! I'm not living in fear of what my next test results are! I'm not living with you! So don't say you're sorry if you could've just not abused me!" Katsuki's voice broke. He looked at Mitsuki one more time before he turned his head towards the guard. "Take me away."

When the guard hesitated Katsuki yelled again, "Take me away!" He was promptly escorted from the room. Mitsuki quickly collected her things, rushing out of the door and almost crashing into an officer. She ignored any questions and continued out of the Police Station. Aizawa stood alone in the interrogation room, facing more to the story than he ever thought there'd be.

Returning home, Aizawa was greeted with a very sleepy kid, Eri, and her chronically exhausted babysitter, Shinso. After paying the teen and sending him home, Aizawa got to the task of getting Eri to sleep. After much back and forth, about 13 stories, and some cuddles from their small black cat, Eri was out. Aizawa closed her door as quietly as possible, but his day wasn't over yet.

Switching on the light to the spare bedroom, filled with clutter, he set to work clearing out as much as possible. The room wouldn't be vacant for long, if things went according to plan. Hopefully the kid would agree, but one thing was for sure,

Katsuki wouldn't be staying with his mother again, ever.




anyways, hi again! I have risen from my digital grave yet again and have come to force feed you with one chapter, and then disappear with the milk until another has been written.

Thank you so much for reading and sticking around, and here's to hoping the next chapter doesn't take 5 months again, wooo!

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