edge of the world

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"LULU!" hooty screamed after being saved Luz and King from falling to their deaths. "Hootsifer, I'm okay," she said as she crawled up from the ground. "i was in the emperors coven, i've done these things before." Right as lilith crawled up, Luz jumped in front of her with king in her arms, "Luz, king, what's happening?," she said weakly right as Hooty wrapped around them "Hoot." lilith felt King's body right next to hers. "My lord, what's wrong?". "My lord?, I'm still king just king." He said with tears in his eyes. "But you're a-."I don't want people to see me as a big scary monster." lilith nodded to him because she knew how he felt. After they were back at the boiling Isles, Luz got a message from Amity. "Luz, if you wanna see Amity, it's okay," King wisperd to her as he climbed onto her back. "Luz," lilith wrapped her arms around her as both her and King started to cry softly, "You know what, Hootsifer, you go with Luz to see Amity me and King will head home."You sure this is the best thing to do?" Luz said as she took Hooty from Lilith. "Sertainly, now go, she needs her awesome girlfriend." Lilith wiped a tear as she saw Luz walk away. King, i'm sorry," she said as she kneeled down next to King, but he didn't care he just wanted to get back home. Right as they were about to head home, Lilith saw the wanted posters. Hooty and Luz had already gotten to Amity's house at that point "LUZ" Amity screamed as she saw her through the window. "Luz," the twins wisperd to each other "Luz you can't be here. Mom will be so mad when she sees you here. " Amity wisperd to her, but Luz didn't care."I just wanted to see my awesome girlfriend." "HUMAN," Odalia yelled as she chased Luz with a broom, "AAAAAA." Luz ran as fast as she could while hooty tried to punsh Odalia. "LUZ, what happened?" Lilith yelled as Luz ran into her arms. "O-O-Odalia" Luz studdered "wait why are you here?". "No time to explain, we gotta fly she said as she picked Luz up, sat her on her staf, and flew away. When they came at the owl house, King ran to the door, almost in tears. Lilith opened the door and immediately ran upstairs to Eda's bedroom. "EDALYN" when King saw the empty houses he broke down "where's Eda" he sniffed. "I-i don't know," Luz picked him up and just hugged him. "GRRRR" Lilith had turned into the raven beast but only half. "LULU?" Hooty tried but no response, Hooty grabbed a light and shined it in Lilith's face, which turned her back. "That was fast," Luz wisperd confused, "I think it's because she wasn't fully transformed yet," hooty said as he hugged Lilith tight while Luz looked for clues to where Eda might be. "Luz, she's hiding." Lilith jumped up as she realised somthing "when we were kids, she would always go to the knee after she turned into the owl beast because there was nobody there, she could be there" she said as she got winter clothes. "BUT WHAT IF SHE ISN'T," Luz yelled. she was trying to stay strong because she didn't want to break down in front of King. Lilith sighed as she kneeled down in front of Luz. "Luz, is everything okay?"NO, NO, IT'S NOT LILITH EDA'S MISSING, KING ALMOST GOT MURDERED BY TITAN TRAPPERS AND WE HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO." Lilith didn't know what to say, so she just hugged her, "we'll find her, I promise. "How can you promise something like that?" King wisperd annoyed, "i-i actually don't know, but I do know that if we don't fly now, we'll never find her." While in the air, lilith spotted Eda, but she flew further right to Willow's house. "Willow's house," Luz questioned as she went inside, Lilith explained what she had seen to Willow's dad's, and they agreed to look after Luz and King for a few hours. "EDALYN," lilith yelled a little too hard. "What are you doing?" lilith walked over to Eda, who was covered in scars. "Lilith, where are the kids", "their at the parks house, now tell me what happened." lilith was shocked by how harsh she sounded. "Okay, Lily, they took everything they wanted to arrest me, but I fled. Lily, i made a mistake. I shouldn't have let you guys go." lilith pulled her sister out of the snow. "I was just so caught up in trying to keep them safe. I didn't realise that staying together would be saver." "Edalyn it's-" "Lily Luz has to go home but what if there is no way back after the day of unity, even if we survive she's still a kid i don't want her to have to life all her life here and never seen her mom again."Oh Edalyn, i never thought of that." she looked at Eda's arms and carefully rubbed them. "We'll find a way to keep them safe, I promise."Just like you promised, King, you'd find Eda," hooty said softly as he wrapped around Eda and lilith. "Exactly like that, speaking about them Eda will you come with me." Eda wasn't sure if she could face it but for the sake of the kids she went, "EDA" Luz and King screamed when they saw her, "kids no splitting up anymore I promise" she whispered while hugging them. Everything will be okay, not let go back home it's getting late. "Can I join you?" Willow asked before they went, "of course we'd love that." Luz sat very close to Eda on the flight back, and she had her head laid on Eda's back. King sat with Lilith, who also had hooty they were joking around with Willow all the way home. "Finally home," Eda said as they landed.

the ending is nearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant