Ugly Yet Beautiful(Unofficial Title)

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Ugly Yet Beautiful

What did Ezekiel and I have in common?
Both belonged to the barbaric city as he describes
Sick with slums, hawkers and beggars
Stingy streets, congested corners and bottle neck traffic
Yet we don't have the heart to shun the city
we grew up in, lived in and breathed in
He accepted his place like an active fool
But when will I accept?
I do not know when and how
Perhaps today or eons later
But deep down I know
Whoever, wherever and whatever I am
Is because of this beautiful ugly city.


This poem is an interpretation of another poem "A Morning Walk" by Nissim Ezekiel. It was given as a class activity in my creative writing class.
Due to less time, I wrote whatever little I understood.
If anyone is interested in reading the poem, please refer to the photo I have posted above.

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