Chapter 1

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hello my name is ida. I was stuck in octo valley my whole life. ima bring you along my journy too escape in this short story.

i have to go, dont follow

dont worry about it

"can't beilive there has been a whole world that ive been dreaming about" I thought.I..I...I have to leave but how".i know ill go to the main hub and try to find a way out.(ida sneaks throught most of the troups" "Where do you think your going ita" "ret!!" but i just saw you" i said "i see your trying to escape are we" he said with a sort of smug look. I had no choice i saw a big fist i took it and i hit him i killed ret!! I heard people coming and i ran and then a octoling from the army saw me and captured me."LET ME GO PLEASE" i yelled "and why would i do that ida" she said while smerking at me."Dont you want to escape too be free not have to worry about being in the army taking down whoever i bet you have seen it all" i Said with determination to be set free. BANG "what was that i said paniced "dj is in trouble i have to go" said the octoling while gathering her things."Im left alone my time to escape"to I thought

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