Chapter 3

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"OMG"i said in a panic "ACHT" i screamed "She...she... fell...the vent fell"i said in a soft voice. "She fell into sanitized ink she...shes... dead..."I said calmy. (idas thoughts:Omg why did i think i could do this im all alone and then i reach the serface now what)*SCREACH* "OMG" (the vents are falling behind ME)(Ida crawls as fast as she can but doesnt make it the vents bring her down with her)....Where... am i..i said in a panic. World 1?"what does that mean"i asked myself.Why is there a old man with a bun making a cabin"I said in confusion.Hello How do i get out of here"I said in a stern voice. Here follow me" Mystery thing said.(They led me into these pipes that led into this place called inkopolis plaza. I didnt want to be spotted so i ran far away to this place called Mt. Nantai.i was sitting there when this person came up to me and "what are you doing here"I said " who are you" "Oh sorry my name is pearl".....

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