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Maple Axolotl cookie sped walked through the halls of House Custard, hearing out for one specific voice.
The low, only slightly energy-filled voice.
The only one she knew by heart, that wasn't family.
Although at this point, she might as well be considered family.

Maple Axolotl turned a corner and her eyes widened, there she was!

"Financier!" She smiled and called out, rushing into the open lobby, where Financier cookie solemnly stood.
One could only guess she was waiting for the consul. That's the only thing most know her for.

"Oh." She mumbled as Maple jumped up into her arms.

"Can you tell me a story? Or can I add you in drawing?" She excitedly rambled to the other cookie.

Financier set her down, "Well, I suppose so.."

Maple Axolotl sat down and began to aggressively draw a stick figure, adding on some clothes and yellow hair.

Financier observed the drawing but could only help to wonder, why was she here?
Usually Maple Axolotl cookie was only brought to her when she knew she was going to be babysitting for the day.
Today she had no intention of doing so, more like tonight.

"So, why are you here?" She kneeled down.

Maple Axolotl cookie didn't advert her gaze from the paper, "Dad said to find you and stay with you because they had to talk."

"Me and him had to talk? Which dad?"

"Captain, and he said him and papa had to talk."

Financier nodded, this was obviously a concerning matter.
If it was something simple there is no way they would let Maple Axolotl on her own.
Maybe they had something planned and forgot to tell her? Or maybe they just got carried away, that would be fair, but not likely with how stressed both been.

Financier cookie sat down, "Okay, let's hang out here for a little while.."

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