Ch 19: Facing your fears

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"This is Mission Control, Little Ellie can you hear me?"

"This is Little Ellie, I can hear you loud and clear."

The operator on the main ship turns around telling Chen that Little Ellie received the message. Everyone around cheers in joy. Everything was going as planned. 

Then Luis walks up to the operator , "Do you know how we can see these kids from here."

"We have GPS location on them and each diver has an active tracker on their suits. We can see where they are in the system."

"Good, I'm feeling better about this."

Meanwhile on the rig....

Savanna is closed in an empty office while both Feds sit across her. Her hair once arranged in order was now loose and frazzled. Her once pressed, clean suit was now disheveled and  wrinkled. With dark circles under her eyes making an unflattering statement it became  apparent that she was closed in with these feds all night. Everything in that room was confiscated except for the original office desk and three chairs. The only thing that now decorated this space was the fat packets of papers left in the middle of the table. 

"There is a lot of missing information Savanna."

"What else do you want from me? "

 "Why are people dying from this place?"

"I am waiting for my lawyer."

"That guy is also being investigated as a possible accomplish in covering all of this up."

"Then I will plead the fifth."

"That's not gonna do much for you. According to some receipts from your accountant you guys have given a lot back to the community. I even saw a recent charge for repairs of a roof for a dentist's office. What a strange donation."

"That's my father's doing. He even covered the cost of the funeral for some of the employees that passed from the accident. He even paid for the medical expenses when the others were in the hospital. Which is why my father is respected  in the community." 

"Yet, they were put as donations? My men looked into that dentist's office and noticed something strange. It was placed in the insurance as roof collapse because of some water damage. But that place didn't look like it suffered from water damage. So we asked locals and they claimed that your guards chased a girl from the roof and she fell in. Do you know what's that about?"

"Again that's my father's doing. I wasn't there sir. I was checking up on my employees who were hurt."

"Well then, who is the witch?"

Savanna eyes widen with new fear realizing the feds already knew the answer but waited to hear what they knew from her. 

With this new realization Savanna knew that cavalry was no longer on its way to help. Her father is useless and sick in the hospital; while her contacts was also being investigated by the government with a fine tooth comb. She sobbed in defeat. 

"Savanna I need you to focus. It could be possible that the people you and your father hired may very well be in danger. Analyzing the footage our guys suspect that this creature is from the Cretaceous Period and what should have been extinct is still alive. Your hire helped is most likely not equipped to handle-"

"A dinosaur?"

Savanna then rummaged through the papers left on the desk and found the file that had the failed excavation. 

"We dug through here and that when strange things started happening. I don't know if this is relevant to what you want. But it's all I know."

"Phil, I gotta go. You can get Ms. Savanna out of here."

What sleeps in the deepحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن