Getting Started

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Jigsawy was in the hotel playing UNO with Trophy. "Ha, I win!" Jigsawy said. "My win streak is now broken." Trophy said while the portal opened up bringing another eliminated contestant.  "Who is it this time?" Jigsawy said while Cheesy came out of the portal. Jigsawy gasped. "Cheesy!" she said. "Yeah, it's me! How are you?" Cheesy said. "I'm doing 'grate'!" she said slapping her knee. "Get it!" "Haha, yeah I get it!" Cheesy said happily. "Hey, I have an idea, we should start a comedy routine!" "Good idea, Cheesy!" she said. Then they walked around the hotel trying to find OJ. "OJ!" they yelled. "Huh? Someone's calling me, I'll be right back Paper." OJ then walked over to them. "Yes?" OJ said to Jigsawy. "Don't you have a performance area?" she said to him. "Yeah, I do, why?" he said. "Me and Cheesy are starting a comedy routine!" "Oh, that sounds... nice." he said nervously. "Right this way." he said leading them to the stage. "Here it is!" "Okay, thanks OJ!" she said. "You're welcome!" he said leaving the room. "So you got any jokes, puns, anything?" she said. "Yeah, I have a book full of em'!" Cheesy said pulling out a joke book. "Nice." she said. Cheesy then went over to test the microphone. "Is this thing on?" he said tapping it. Then Jigsawy went over to the machine to turn it on. "Thanks Jigsawy!" he said. "You're welcome!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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