chapter 2

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“Jack!!” we all were yelling as loud as we could. “JACK!!” I yelled once more while walking over the hills and fallen trees, marching in the rain filled woods. Then for the first time in what seems to be forever I heard the sound of a german shepherd’s bark ringing through my ears. I dropped the stick I had in my hand and shined my flashlight in the direction on the bark before sprinting as fast as I could.

As I approach the group of people out of breath, I shove through them to find something that makes me tear up terribly. I walked over to the cop that had just put a small marking flag next to my son’s shoe. I stared, exhausted, as a mix of overwhelming rage and sadness formed in my body. I felt as if I were going to explode into a fit of rage and demolish everything in sight. I fell to the ground, hands in the muddy dirt, fists clenched, grabbing handfuls of mud and dirt.

A few people from the group of volunteers came and helped me up and walk me home, for it has already been 3 hours of searching and it was past 12:00 at night. I arrived home with my wife, mind full of stress just wanting our son back. Not knowing what to do with myself I went under the influence of alcohol, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whisky and didn’t stop drinking till it was empty, then grabbed another, and another. As I finish the last bottle I lay my head down on the table and hear the chirping of birds. I look up to see the room slowly getting brighter before, I black out.

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