Just Good Friends?

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Christina's POV

September 1981, Los Angeles

I went up to my room after I had some breakfast.

I noticed the huge red entry in my calendar.

"Today is the last day of Michael's Tour!", I whispered happily.

Over a year passed since I have seen Michael in person.

At first he called me very often but I didn't blamed him why he wasn't calling everyday.

He was very busy touring the world with his brothers and I worked on my second Album.

I didn't wanted to spend a year and a half of my life with doing nothing so I wrote lots of songs and melodies, went to many Charities and I tried to improve my poor dance moves.

I decided to go on Michael's last concert to suprise him. I just hoped that it wasn't already sold out.

After I had changed my clothes and put on a little Make-Up, I went to my car to buy a ticket.

"Hello, do you have a ticket for todays show from the 'Triumph Tour' by The Jacksons?

"You're lucky, I have 27 tickets left.", the guy said and smiled at me.

After I had payed for my ticket I decided to visit the studio.

"Look who it is!", Brian called happily and hugged me.

"Hey, haven't seen you for long!", Adam said.

"Yeah, I was at home a lot but don't worry, I wrote lots of songs!", I told.

"That's great, let's take a look at them in the next couple of days.", Adam suggested.


"So what are you up to next? And what is this?", Brian asked.

"Nothing much.. well it's a ticket for the last show from Michael and I wanted to go there, because I haven't seen him for so long.", I explained while smiling like a fool.

"You really like this guy, huh?", Emily asked out of nowhere.

"Emily!", I called and hugged her.

"It's nice to see you again, sweetie! How long has it been? Five months?", she wanted to know.

"Yeah, I needed a break from everything but now I am back and ready to release another Album maybe next year!"

"Christina, do you want me to drive you to the concert?", Brian asked.

"Brian, I am a 20-year-old girl and I have four years of driving experience.", I laughed.

"A 'No' would have been okay, too", he smiled.

We've spend the afternoon in the studio and got some sandwiches.

It was a great time but I couldn't wait to see Michael again so I decided to drive back home and freshen up before I headed on my way to the concert.

Michael's POV

"Last day of Tour! Man, I am so excited to see my wife again.", Marlon called.

"I know how you feel, it has been so long since I have seen Christina and I didn't called her lately.", I explained.

"Visit her tomorrow, I'm sure that she will be happy about it. And dude, finally get things working!"

I nodded and smiled.

"Michael? Marlon? You'll be up on stage in a few minutes.", Kim our assistant said.

"Alright, let's do this!", Marlon called energized and went out of the room.

For All Time II - Baby Be Mine (Michael Jackson & Christina Grimmie)Where stories live. Discover now